New member
Hello beautiful people!
Thanks for taking the time to read my post.
Pictures of my dexa scan and my body (front, back, profile - semi NSFW).
(Keep in mind these photos are after a full day of eating, and I'm feeling particularly bloated today)
Why this post?
Today I had my first Dexa scan which revealed what I suspected my body fat percentage to be approximately at: 24.2%. Now that I have a baseline I'm excited to see what I can achieve in the next few months coming up to Summer (southern hemisphere), as well as over the next year. Thing is, I don't know whether I should be trying to put on more muscle now, or lean out for Summer and wait for next year to put on size.
Current state
I have only re-started my fitness journey about a month ago. I have been lifting 4 days/week (a mix of compound lifts and accessory exercises, PPL + L), and doing HIIT boxing/circuit training 2 days/week.
- Squat: 50kg (110lbs) for 10 x 3
- Sumo deadlift: 30kg (66lbs) for 10 x 3
- Hipthrust: 60kg (132lbs) for 10 x 3
- Military press: 15kg (33lbs) for 10 x 3
I have the stereotypical goal of increasing lean muscle mass and decreasing fat. I like the look of Krissy Cela's physique, and feel as though this would be attainable for me over the long term (her and I are the same height).
I know that it is difficult to put on muscle and lose fat simultaneously, but with Summer coming up I do not wish to put on any more fat. This is the most fat I've ever carried in my life because I just finished my degree, and unfortunately I've put my fitness aside for the past year or so.
Ideally I would like my abs to be showing and put on some muscle in my back and lower body to balance my physique.
So, my question is: is 1500 cals (split approx 35%C, 30%P, 35%F), 4 days lifting and 2 days cardio conducive to my goal? Should I continue to cut through Summer and start bulking next year? Or just bite the bullet and clean bulk now for Summer?
Any advice is more than welcome!