25F / 110lbs / 5'4 hungry and in need of advice!

@anactualchildofgod Hey. Gentle reminder that recovery is a process and not a one time thing, since there are a couple orange flags in your post. At your stats, some coverage over your abs is probably a healthy thing!

Also, if you’re weight lifting it’s very possible for your TDEE to go up as you build muscle and as you try to put muscle on.

Have you checked in with your doctor, therapist, dietician or other members of your care team from when you were actively in recovery? I know it can be really scary, but lots of people in recovery are able to get into fitness in a healthy way, and I bet you’ll feel better if you get the support of your doctor and dietician to make sure you’re getting enough food and protein as you try to build muscle.

On a nutrition note, how much protein are you eating a day and from what sources? I’ve been doing some research into the bioavailability of different protein sources, including the role of lysine in absorbing protein, and started eating red meat again for the first time in years, and I have to say my energy levels and satiety were higher after a few strips of steak than after a full protein smoothie 🤷‍♀️. YMMV of course though, all bodies are different!
@anactualchildofgod You're currently in the healthy weight range, so you don't need to rush anything.

Imo what you should do is eat until you feel good for a week and track those calories and see where you are. Adjust from there.
@anactualchildofgod As crude as it might sound, just eat more. Don't let an app tell you what your body is already telling you. You won't become fat or whatever in 1 day -- especially if you're maintaining such an activity rate. Your body is re-acclimating to what a normal body needs to consume to properly function and is telling you so.

If you're hungry, eat. Like shit, girl.
@anactualchildofgod I’m 5’4 and 120 and my maintenance calories are 1800. At only 1600 that would be more like fat loss calories. I’d consider talking to a professional on what your calories should be. You’d really should be eating at least 2000 a day to be in a slight calorie surplus.
@anactualchildofgod Have you checked your protein intake? To build definition, you need about 1,5g of protein per kg of body weight every day. If you're using an app to count calories, myfitnesspal gives the protein breakdown as well. I eat meat, and I never for a moment thought I wasn't getting enough until I checked it on the app. Surprised me to realise how little I was getting - and how full I felt when I tried to aim for the 1,5g per kg of body weight.