3 month progress pic 29/m


New member
Hey all! I've been doing body weight fitness for about the past 6 months. You all are motivation for improvement. I started at 167 lbs, now I hover around 160 give or take a few. 4 months into my body weight journey i decided to switch to a rings program. One month ago I added weight lifting for my lower body days (4 days a week) (rings 3 days a week).

Diet is lazy keto. i don't count macros or anything, just don't eat much carbs or processed food.

Motivation is I am actually 30 years old! I wanted to be functional. I also want a hot body, its easier to get laid when you are hot. After i finish this rings course, im going to run through it again using level B (They have a level A also for people new to rings).

@elbaraa86 It doesn't make sense that somebody would go through medical school, residency, specialize, etc. and then do that. But they do, dentists as well. In some cases there are office managers, marketing, or other people in the position to do it without the principals' knowledge.
@anchoreddown Please update your post with more info.

Per the rules:

Progress and achievement posts​

All progress and achievement posts must include progress over a period of at least 3 months.

We would also like you to include:
  • Ending stats: sex, weight, height, and age;
  • Detailed diet and/or exercise routine(s) used, including specifics such as calories consumed, weight lifted, distance run, etc;
  • Before and after photos (for progress posts only).
Additional info to provide if available and as appropriate:
  • Photos or videos documenting the achievement, e.g. video of a PR lift or finish line photos;
  • A race or meet report detailing the experience if this was an official event;
  • Any other measurements made during this progress, waist size, body fat percentage, personal victories, etc;
  • Additional pictures, e.g. profile or side shots to show posture shifts;
  • Your motivation or lessons learned;
  • What are your next steps? What now?
If you have a small victory, please post them in the Progress Sunday threads.