4 Day Custom Lift Routine - Whole Body


New member
Hi All,

I'm working on getting back into a routine and am currently trying for a 4 day split from a previous 3 day split as they are just taking too long to get everything I want in. I have a garage gym with a power rack with some attachments, pull down /low row pulley station, adjustable dumbbells, row machine, jump rope and a few other basic items. Are there any thoughts or suggestions on how to improve this or consolidate anything? For cardio, I'm looking to get in 2 jogs a week (or rows in the winter), and a longer bike ride on the weekend. I also like doing yoga once a week. If this is too much, I might try to pare it down to 3 days a week again for lifting, but I always struggle with what to cut as I enjoy all of these exercises listed.

Here is what I'm thinking:

Full Body A Focus Sets

Bench Press (BB) Chest 4

Bent Over Row (BB) Back 4

Arnold Press (DB) Shoulder 4

Incline Bench (DB) Chest 4

Front Raise (DB) Shoulder 4

Calf Raise (DB) Legs 4 Split set

Reverse Fly (DB) Back 4 Split set


Full Body B Focus Sets

Squat (BB) Legs 4

Lat Raise (DB) Shoulder 4

Pullover (DB) Chest/Back 4

Lunge (DB) Legs 4

Tricep Dip (BW) Tricep 4 Split set

Bicep Curl (DB) Bicep 4 Split set


Full Body C Focus Sets

Pull Ups (BW) Back 4

OHP (BB) Shoulder 4

Good Morning (BB) Legs 4

Lat Pulldown Back 4

Seated Row Back 4

Tricep Push down Tricep 4 Split set

Hammer Curl Bicep 4 Split set


Full Body D Focus Sets

Deadlift (BB) Legs 4

Shrug (BB) Back 4

Hip Thrust Legs 4

Incline Chest Fly Chest 4

RDL (DB) Legs 4

Bicep Curl (EZ) Bicep 4 Split set

Skull Crusher (EZ) Tricep 4 Split set


This comes out to the following muscles:

Chest - 4

Triceps - 3

Bicep - 4

Back - 7

Shoulder - 4

Legs - 7

Other lift options:

Other Lifts

Back Extension

Hip Thrust

Leg Extension

1 Leg Calf Raise

Leg Curl

Look forward to any feedback. Thanks for reading!

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