5’8” 148 lb, ladies what’s your tdee?


New member
I’ve been tracking using the standard spreadsheet that can be found on here, for around 4 weeks now. I’ve lost a few lbs in that time but I’ve mostly hovered around 150 - 148 I’ve the last month. My tdee has consistently sat at around 2600

I go to the gym around 3 times a week and do a full body workout each time, trying to increase my strength at the moment. Outside of this I walk at least 4 miles a day, 5 days a week and typically 6 miles or so on a Saturday.

I’m sure my tdee will lower a bit as a get more data as that seems a crazy amount of food, but I’m interested to know how much other women with roughly the same stats as me, have as there tdee.
@beardeddarnell I'm 5'8" and weigh between 143-148, depending on how much salt I've had! I do 30 minutes weights 5x week, 3-4 mile run 2x week, and average 18k steps daily. I've been tracking almost 4 weeks and it's put me at 2900 calories a day.
@beardeddarnell I'm 5'4, 240ish pounds.

My TDEE is usually around 2500. When I'm completely sedentary it's closer to 2000.

I currently go to crossfit 3x a week and lift and do some rowing exercises another 3x a week. I walk about 3-4 miles a day just doing normal daily activities.
@beardeddarnell Similar stats here - just a few pounds lighter than you at 5'7". I'd say I'm moderately active - I work a desk job, but I walk a lot (averaged 16k steps/day this past week, though it has been super nice out) and I work out 3-4 times a week. Usual workout consists of a 3ish-mile run and a ~40-minute full-body lifting routine - I'm not an amazing runner or a powerlifter by any means, but I have a respectable mile time and I can just about squat my body weight.

Trackers generally put my TDEE at ~2300-2500 calories, but that seems really high to me. In terms of my available data, I was losing weight very quickly when I was committed to 1500-1600 a day (like, 1.5-2 lbs/week easily), but I've been eating closer to 2000-2100/day for the past ~2 weeks and have maintained. The data may be too limited to make a full judgment call, but 2200-ish seems about right.
@beardeddarnell I am 5’7.5”. I started at 157, and I am now 135, which was my goal. Maintenance is about 1800-1900 calories for me, and I do some form of exercise every day. I was losing a pound a week on 1300-1400 calories a day. I wish I had eaten a bit more and had just lost it slightly more slowly.

What if you reduce your intake to 2000 calories? Are you logging your calories?
@aodh%C3%A1n I was trying to lose weight at 1700 a day, based on tdee calculators. That’s okay during the week but really interferes with my weekend plans of enjoying some wine so I’m trying to eat around 2000 on average across the week. It’s sort of working. I’m not that much lighter but I do look different and feel great, so I’ll take that as a win.
@beardeddarnell I hit some plateaus weight-wise in the middle of my weight loss journey when I started exercising, and I am glad I took pictures so I could see progress even when the scale didn’t move because it’s easy to get demoralized.
@beardeddarnell I'm your height and weight! Well, I hover between 145 and 150.

I train for powerlifting 4x/week. On my off days, I get in some cardio, either a 2-mile walk with a weight vest, or 15 minutes of intervals on the rower if I'm feeling lazy. I have a desk job, but I stand for half of the day.

I count calories and stick to 2300 for maintenance; however, I'm losing weight on that amount right now. I think my TDEE these days is more like 2500. I took up poledancing recently and I'm also trying to get more steps in.

It's possible that your maintenance if that high, especially if you walk a lot. However, a month isn't all that long. You might have a more accurate picture in another month.
@hovi Yes I’m thinking I’ll get more accurate results after a few months. I find it fascinating though, especially seeing so many ladies with numbers well above 200 cals a day! I’d love to go back and tell 20 year old me to just eat more and be happier! 30 year old me loves not being hungry all the time.
@beardeddarnell I'm 5'10, 146 - so, kind of close to your stats? I'm currently on a cut, losing 1 lb a week, and I started at 161 on February 10th.

My TDEE using the spreadsheet is around 2350, I've been using it for about eight weeks. I also use a fitbit, which estimates my TDEE at 2700... which is an overestimate. I workout 4-5 days a week, which consists of 45-75 minutes of cardio each session (distance running and some HIIT mixed in), and 30 minutes of lifting 2-3x after cardio. I also practice 30 minutes of yoga daily at home. On workout days I average about 3-4 miles of walking, on rest days about 6-7 miles. Other than that I'm very sedentary, as I'm a grad student who often works from home.

Intake-wise, I eat about 1900 calories on workout days and 1600 on rest days, which has been pretty sustainable so far.
@beardeddarnell I’m same height and weight as well! I bike to work and bike a lot during the week. Go to the gym 3-4 times and run 2-3 times a week. For the last few weeks I’ve been comfortably eating around 1800 calories and feel as though I’ve stayed the same. If I were to eat 2600 I feel like I’d be overly full all the time!
@glorygram Yes I think so too! I am trying to lose a bit so eating at a deficit. Although in reality most weeks it’s closer to maintenance.

If I drop as low as 1500 or so I’m far too hungry, 1800 - 1900 is very comfortable for me and I can do it very easily during the week. The weekends go higher because wine. I’m hoping to find my accurate tdee so I can cut at a slower rate and then eventually maintain. I find it so interesting though! I’m not losing a huge amount at the moment but I look so much better than I ever have so it’s possible I’m doing an accidental recomp?
@hester708 5’9, 150, and I’m in the 1300s to cut 2lbs/week, but I haven’t been able to stay that low consistently. I’m at 1500 now and either I’m cheating more than I think or I’m metabolically screwed.

Gym 3ish days a week, generally 25 miles backpacking on weekends.
@hester708 It’s not terrible, to be sure, which is why I’m probably not trying as hard as I should be. But my cute clothes are all a size smaller, and backpacking feels better with a little less mass.

I’ve got two longer hikes coming up this summer, so maybe that’ll take care of the problem for me.
@beardeddarnell A bit shorter than you at 5’6” but I’m just under 148 at the moment. I lift 4x a week, have one true rest day, and cardio is sporadic and happens when it happens. I’m currently reverse dieting and I’m up to 2100 and haven’t seen the scale go up yet. I think I’ll probably end up somewhere around 2200-2300.

2600 isn’t completely out of the realm of possible if you’re really active. But I found that the spreadsheet takes a bit more than 4 weeks to really settle in. I would say even more so for women and how our bodies fluctuate with water weight throughout the month. Also especially if you’re eating at a deficit (your post didn’t clarify) you’ll see a bigger drop in the first few weeks which will throw off your TDEE a bit.
@beardeddarnell i am 5’9, 148 lbs! my TDEE on light exercise days (35-45 minutes of low impact cardio) is ~2350-2400. on weight training days it’s ~3000. on days i sit on my bum all day it’s ~2000. i just had this measured by indirect calorimetry and i’ve tested it over the years. seems about accurate!