5… or 6 days a week?


New member
Does anyone notice a qualitative difference in their results / workouts if they go to class 6 days a week as opposed to 5? Or do you find that that extra day of work is largely superfluous?
@drmirabilis I wonder if you weren’t eating enough protein to begin with? I’m just starting to track my protein intake, and I’m realizing I was typically NOT hitting my .7-1g protein per 1 lb of body weight target by eating what I thought was a diet with plenty protein.
Not sure why this comment got a downvote… it was an actual question, not an attempt to somehow throw shade (if that’s how it was interpreted)
@williamw Didn't downvote but protein is only a tiny variable of proper recovery. Even quite overstated in my opinion. It just feels quite bro-sciencey to believe that protein must've obviously been neglected
@williamw You went from "not recovering properly" to "consuming too little protein?". That's what I was referring to. I'm not saying that protein doesn't play it's part, your source does provide good info. But e.g. adequate calorie intake or training volume, like OP was stating, are more significant

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