In hindsight I thought that this post might prove more relevant here rather than in /r/fitness
Since my late teens, early twenties, I have always been fairly athletic. I started training in martial arts at the age of 20 and have been doing so ever since. During my hey-day I was in great shape. My workouts during that time consisted of mainly conditioning, flexibility, and body-weight fitness (plus a bro-split). Fast-forward about 10-12 years; marriage, first kid, grad school, and less actual hard training and more teaching resulted in me gaining about 20-25lbs.
I still taught MMA 2-3x a week but I was off my game. My conditioning was crap and I was struggling with guys that were 10 years younger than I was. This resulted in me actually sparring less and focusing on solely on technique and drills with my students (something I said I would never do). This was pretty much me (the guy on the right). I felt like a paper-tiger, I was depressed.
Prior to my fall from grace. I had done some "crossfit" style type workouts with a group of friends that were into parkour. We trained about 5 days week and it consisted mostly of tabatas, metcons, and bodyweight with a smattering of free weights (no compounds). It complimented martial arts and my conditioning was awesome.
Once I decided to get back in shape I was considering crossfit once again, however, I was unsure about actually joining a "box" By chance I stumbled upon CF-football. After some more research I realized that I no longer wanted to have the most stamina on the mat but rather the most power. CF-football seemed to make sense. I started my first class this past June.
The gym I go to is great. $100/month gives you unlimited CF-football classes plus full access to the "traditional" weight room. The owner is a older guy who focuses heavily on technique and mobility . We don't train in order to get scoliosis for time. The workouts consists of three parts; a metcon, strength, and skill (or mobility), after class is reserved for accessories for those who want to. We deadlift, BP, SQ, and press at least once a week. During the summer we sprinted, sled pull/pushed and used the prowler at least 2x week. We also played touch football in a park across the street for active recovery days. I train about 6 days week which includes an active recovery day.
In addition to CF-football (about 3 months into it) I ran 5/3/1. No accessory work and it was a two-day split that revolved around my primary training. At times it was difficult to incorporate but I have yet to miss a workout (although I can tell I am about to stall on it so I may take a break). As far as cardio I really only do HIIT and metcon, about once every couple of weeks I will go for a 5k.
During the first couple of months I cleaned up my diet but didn't really track anything. During this time I was definitely getting stronger but not loosing weight. Starting in August I decided to track my calories and eat at a 15% deficit (2200kcal). Since I started tracking it has been slow coming off but consistent.
I was considering lean gains or IF but I soon realized I HATE fasting. One trick that worked for me was a variation of the modified warrior diet (MWD). Basically, I eat a small breakfast (about 300kcal w/ 30g of pro), a larger lunch (~500kcal 30g of pro), and then after my workout once I get home I have about ~1000-1200kcal to do with what I please (IIFMM style).
Even though I started in the beginning of June I only really started tracking my lifts in August.
All are 1RM
Back squat 233 -> 285
Bench 150 -> 225
Deadlift 205 -> 365
Press 117 -> 150
Power clean ?? -> 210
5K ~30:00 -> 23:40
Progress pics
August 2014, 205lbs
November 2014, 192lbs
Future Goals
I would like to cut another 10lbs and then really focus on bringing my lifts up. They have really stalled since I started mindfully cutting in August. My Birthday is in March (I'll be 34) by that time I would like to join the 1000lbs club. I am considering scaling back the CF-football classes and running a strength program during the winter, i.e., Madcow or TM, etc
In closing, once I started teaching martial arts again this past semester my students were shocked. At 33 I am stronger than I ever was at 23. I have definitely loss some stamina but have gained strength, power, and explosiveness. A good trade IMO
Since my late teens, early twenties, I have always been fairly athletic. I started training in martial arts at the age of 20 and have been doing so ever since. During my hey-day I was in great shape. My workouts during that time consisted of mainly conditioning, flexibility, and body-weight fitness (plus a bro-split). Fast-forward about 10-12 years; marriage, first kid, grad school, and less actual hard training and more teaching resulted in me gaining about 20-25lbs.
I still taught MMA 2-3x a week but I was off my game. My conditioning was crap and I was struggling with guys that were 10 years younger than I was. This resulted in me actually sparring less and focusing on solely on technique and drills with my students (something I said I would never do). This was pretty much me (the guy on the right). I felt like a paper-tiger, I was depressed.
Prior to my fall from grace. I had done some "crossfit" style type workouts with a group of friends that were into parkour. We trained about 5 days week and it consisted mostly of tabatas, metcons, and bodyweight with a smattering of free weights (no compounds). It complimented martial arts and my conditioning was awesome.
Once I decided to get back in shape I was considering crossfit once again, however, I was unsure about actually joining a "box" By chance I stumbled upon CF-football. After some more research I realized that I no longer wanted to have the most stamina on the mat but rather the most power. CF-football seemed to make sense. I started my first class this past June.
The gym I go to is great. $100/month gives you unlimited CF-football classes plus full access to the "traditional" weight room. The owner is a older guy who focuses heavily on technique and mobility . We don't train in order to get scoliosis for time. The workouts consists of three parts; a metcon, strength, and skill (or mobility), after class is reserved for accessories for those who want to. We deadlift, BP, SQ, and press at least once a week. During the summer we sprinted, sled pull/pushed and used the prowler at least 2x week. We also played touch football in a park across the street for active recovery days. I train about 6 days week which includes an active recovery day.
In addition to CF-football (about 3 months into it) I ran 5/3/1. No accessory work and it was a two-day split that revolved around my primary training. At times it was difficult to incorporate but I have yet to miss a workout (although I can tell I am about to stall on it so I may take a break). As far as cardio I really only do HIIT and metcon, about once every couple of weeks I will go for a 5k.
During the first couple of months I cleaned up my diet but didn't really track anything. During this time I was definitely getting stronger but not loosing weight. Starting in August I decided to track my calories and eat at a 15% deficit (2200kcal). Since I started tracking it has been slow coming off but consistent.
I was considering lean gains or IF but I soon realized I HATE fasting. One trick that worked for me was a variation of the modified warrior diet (MWD). Basically, I eat a small breakfast (about 300kcal w/ 30g of pro), a larger lunch (~500kcal 30g of pro), and then after my workout once I get home I have about ~1000-1200kcal to do with what I please (IIFMM style).
Even though I started in the beginning of June I only really started tracking my lifts in August.
All are 1RM
Back squat 233 -> 285
Bench 150 -> 225
Deadlift 205 -> 365
Press 117 -> 150
Power clean ?? -> 210
5K ~30:00 -> 23:40
Progress pics
August 2014, 205lbs
November 2014, 192lbs
Future Goals
I would like to cut another 10lbs and then really focus on bringing my lifts up. They have really stalled since I started mindfully cutting in August. My Birthday is in March (I'll be 34) by that time I would like to join the 1000lbs club. I am considering scaling back the CF-football classes and running a strength program during the winter, i.e., Madcow or TM, etc
In closing, once I started teaching martial arts again this past semester my students were shocked. At 33 I am stronger than I ever was at 23. I have definitely loss some stamina but have gained strength, power, and explosiveness. A good trade IMO