Progress & Learnings [6 months into the RR]

@jshollinger Not really, in every progression I found out how much reps I could do until failure and if that number was for example “8” then I did 3 sets of 7, until I got to 12 I moved in the exercise progression
@candy1962 Do you recommend cutting or bulking if you are skinny fat? I see some people say cut, some say bulk, some say just stay at maintenance so I never know what to do
@dawn16 Stay at maintenance TDEE (minor caloric surplus) and start working out (intensely) after a few months youll see your body recomposition and ventually you will decide to either grow or get leaner
@candy1962 You look 17-18 percent body fat right now. Also you get my sympathy for the hip genetics (or maybe that’s where your fat storages are???)
@candy1962 I'm late to the party but just wanted to say thanks for sharing. I've been lurking in this sub for a few days now, all the terms and proper ways of moving the body is a lot for me to absorb and I feel like I'm going to screw up.