6-week mini cut results

@johnacola Wooooow, I am so impressed. I am basically your exact size: 110lbs and 5’2 and basically should follow exactly what you did. I need to take my shit seriously if I want to see these results. Even a small bite of ice cream or whatever your go to treat is makes a huge difference. You killed it girl, what an inspiration!
@johnacola Thanks for this inspiration, fellow petite Gemini queen! I turn 29 on Thursday and have been trying to work up the motivation to drop those last few lbs. Feeling good in your skin helps with accepting that the twenties are behind us (and reminds us that this does not mean we can’t be hot af!) - If I can look half as good as you on my 30th I’ll be a happy girl! Awesome progress!
@johnacola You look so good! Like you looked good before, no questions asked - but your hard work really really shows. If I had that body you wouldn't be able to get me to wear clothes at all haha.

Thank you for sharing! I am restarting my fitness journey today after being on the lazy side for a year, and this was just extra motivation.

Edit, also I turn 30 in 7months - so while I will not beat myself up over not hitting my goal then (loosing 15kg), I will keep it in the back of my mind as a "wouldn't it be cool?" goal
@johnacola You are awesome! I totally envy your body and you just gave me the boost to start ramping up my training! I have a body similar to your before bod (maybe with some slight corona-curve) but what scares me is that I already have a pretty clean and low calorie diet with a 18-6 fasting window... At least the gyms opened here again so I'll be in there all my spare time! :)
@johnacola Wow congrats! Can you share more details on meals? Like I’m not creative enough to put together meal plans. I’m on a cut and trying to hit 1500 and eventually in the next couple weeks I have to increase my deficit to 1300. I struggle with 1500 so I have no freaking clue on how to manage a 1300 diet. Do you have an mfp login or an insta account I can follow you on (that is if you track your meals or post pics). Else can You please share some sample meals for the day? I’m 5”2 and 160 pounds. I (used to lift weights)at the gym pre-covid and now I’m hitting atleast 10k steps a day plus work out with whatever dumbbells i hav . My maint is 1900 though I’m closer to you in height. So are you saying your maint is 1500 and def is 1300? No wonder I’m struggling to Lose weight .
@thechristfollower Hi love, here's an example of some typical days, keeping in mind that I follow intermittent fasting.

Morning - Black coffee

Noon - I break my fast with chicken salad (100g chicken breast, 30g light mayo, 15g greek yogurt, seasoning) with crackers, babybel gouda, 150g of watermelon.

Afternoon - 30g of whey protein concentrate mixed with 125g 0% greek yogurt

During Workout - serving of BCAAs

Dinner - Turkey meatballs with mashed potatoes and asparagus OR chicken breast with roasted yellow potatoes

Snacks - sugar free jello cups, crispy mini rice cakes, rice krispie treats, mini chocolate bars (beauty of IIFYM)

Morning - Black coffee

Noon - break my fast with 2 whole eggs baked, with half of an everything bagel with light garlic and herb cream cheese, mango, arugula salad

Dinner - Chicken with a serving of pasta

Snacks - Some cheese or Protein pudding (the powder & greek yogurt combo) would normally skip my brownie or rice krispie on a day like this because the pasta would've taken up a lot of my carbs. Etc etc.

The best 'diet' for you is whatever is sustainable. I like IIFYM because I fit in the things that I enjoy. Also, staying hydrated has made a huge difference for me as I realized a lot of the time my body was confusing thirst for hunger. Lastly, you're on a deficit. You gon' be hungry sometimes.
@johnacola DAMN, GIRL! You look great. I’m doing something similar; trying to look/feel my best for my 30th coming up in a month. This is great motivation and super helpful information.