6-week mini cut results

@johnacola I'm only 31 but your 30's will be amazing! You already look fantastic and like you're in your early/mid 20's. I hope you enjoy this next decade and realize it's going to be better than the last, and you're going to look better doing it.

I only got in shape towards the end of my 20's. I don't look nearly as fit as you, but I'm 5'4" and 118 lbs currently, able to do 4 pull-ups (soooo close to my goal of 5!) and deadlift over 1.5x my bodyweight. I don't have a home gym so these stats aren't totally true anymore, but I've been doing p90x so I'm not gaining weight at least. I did just buy a really expensive bikini that I need to shred for. I wish I had your abs.
@johnacola I felt the same way about turning 40 (in two weeks!!!), so I did a 12 week program (I had about ten lbs to lose) and I look better than I did through a better part of my 30’s. Happy birthday, you look amazing!