6-week mini cut results

@johnacola They're pretty amazing as a I want have my cake and eat it too beer. Basically just a splash of vodka and flavored Seltzer's water. They're a 100 calories so they still add up if you get swashted on them but especially combined with intermittent fasting which I also did huuge difference
@johnacola Amazing job! It’s good to feel the best version of yourself.

And lol@your comment re: calories intake. I’m shorter than you (5’0”) and extremely sedentary (freelancer wfh, no cardio). Some time ago I commented that I’m cutting and eating 1250ish on this sub and half the people yelled eating disorder.
@rsj13 Short people unite! I can’t even discuss food with people on reddit.. I’m under 5’0 and have a sedentary job. No, I don’t need 2k calories, no I don’t need a shrink for believing that.

I will say if you are struggling to get cardio in, borrow a dog. I have two already, but friends were walking mine and then found local rescues that needed walkers/runners and even elderly neighbors that needed their dogs walked.
@johnacola Yaasss girl! That’s all I wanted to say. 😊

And also that I too have experienced the benefits of not drinking, which SUCKS.

Anyway, you look amazing! Definitely goals.
@carrwinn I end my weight training sessions with 100 russian twists, 100 crunches, and leg raises to failure if I'm not dead from the twists and crunches. When I had access to my gym I would regularly do 25x4 cable crunches.