6-week mini cut results

@johnacola Great work!! Just wondering have you always had your before body?! Your before body is my goals right now and I’m the same height as you. Would love you to know how you got there!
@roxy_s The past few years have been wildly inconsistent for me lol. I would go from hitting my macros for a few weeks and doing my workouts, and then would go on vacation, or have a big event to attend and I would slink back into a lazy mentality. My week 1 shred physique was being after a few months of being on point maaaybe 60-70% of the time with workouts and nutrition. I'm kicking myself at all that lost time tbh.
@roxy_s I played around a lot within those couple years of inconsistency. I always blamed my lack of progress on the routine when it was really just me not committing. SO I tried StrongCurves, PPL, Stephanie Buttermore's Advanced Program (this one I actually made great progress on, then I went on an all-inclusive vacation for a week and when I got back didn't lift or eat well for like 3 months, undoing it ALL), etc. I think to get to my week 1 body it was just a slow crawl to being more and more consistent. As stated in the main post, before switching to my shred routine I was following Ice Cream Fitness with no cardio.
@johnacola I hate that you’ve called out what I know to be true - I can’t be short and eat/drink like an asshole and continue to wonder why I’ve gained weight.

However, holy heck! You look impeccable, happy almost 30th birthday and your skin looks divine! You are very inspirational!
@cjones0420 I believe she is around 5'10 and 185 lb and she calculated 1700 cals to be a sufficient deficit.

1500 calories at that height sounds super low to me, especially if you're working out!

Did you use a TDEE calculator to arrive at that number? There are some good resources linked on the FAQ here. But, if 1500 isn't a sustainable deficit for you, it just isn't, ya know?
@gwwhaley I absolutely agree. I also think I always limited drinking during the week to social outings, given that my work out was already complete. If I had a happy hour Tuesday, I’d either aim to make that day my rest day or work out before work. Now that I am not confined to AM/PM work outs and can do them whenever I find myself working out, and thennnnn having wine/beer at night anyway since the gym and the bar are both in my home now.
@words I am right there with you! My boyfriend who drank really rarely (maybe twice a month) before this is having semi-regular mixed drinks, which makes it even harder to say no. I have definitely cracked a beer or had some wine at like 3 PM on a weekday because I had already done my work, gotten a run in, and then felt like "why not?" After this post I think my "why not" is because I'd be making it a million times harder to get shredded, haha.
@words Ugh... 5’1 here... same. Rings true for the alcohol especially, but big sacrifices reap big rewards, that body is goals for sure, feeling motivated this morning.