6-week mini cut results

@starstruck Me too! I’ve definitely been letting quarantine be a major excuse for inexcusably quick weight gain. But I’m ready to shed it allll off again
@johnacola 5'3" also and now you are my inspiration!

I used to be relatively fit and weightlifted but then I went to grad school and developed a chronic health issue. I'm 50lbs heavier than what I was before. Decided enough was enough!

Thanks for the inspo and you look amazing!
@azel For weight training on MWF, I try to keep it under an hour. I have a bad habit of stretching out my rests between sets and I found I feel much better with shorter more intense sessions.

Aesthetic split:

Upper A - Bench, rows, incline, pull ups, lat raises, dips, curls

Upper B - OHP, DB single row, flyes, 21s, skullcrushers

Lower A - Squat, split squats (THE WORST), SLDL, calve raises

Lower B - Deads, lunges, goblet squats, resistance band adductor

All lifting days ending with ab work.

So the weeks look like: UA, LA, UB / LB, UA, LA rinse and repeat

For cardio, 5k if running, 30 min which is typically jump rope 10 minutes + 20 minutes of a circuit I threw together (jump squats, high knees, mountain climbers, sprints, random dancing).
@johnacola So just to make sure I’m understanding your split, you do: Monday UA, LA, UB; Wednesday LB, UA, LA; Friday (go back to monday) UA, LA, UB.

Is this right?
@m32s You would cycle through UA, LA, UB, LB over and over so:

Mon - UA
Wed - LA
Fri - UB

Mon - LB
Wed - UA
Fri - LA

Mon - UB
Wed - LB
Fri - UA

etc etc
@m32s I'm sleep deprived so I'm still confused. She only does either upper or lower on one day? Not one of each of upper and lower? OR does she do 3 on one day (Monday: UA, LB, UB)?
@markoj72 Yup, she does either upper or lower on one day. And she does the exercises on that day that she listed above. So:

Week 1: Monday UA, Wednesday LA, Friday UB
Week 2: Monday LB, Wednesday UA, Friday LA
Week 2: Monday UB, Wednesday LB, Friday UA

etc, etc.
@johnacola This is incredibly inspiring. Since shelter in place, I've given up cardio for online Barre workouts but your progress has convinced me that cardio is the way to go. Seriously goals. Great job! And happy birthday!
@marktheblake I was actively avoiding it for years because I was worried about my fast heart rate (talking around 90 bpm resting). It was an internal battle of "I'm scared to do cardio because my heart rate gets scary high". After regularly doing it, my resting is now 57. Can't believe it only took 6 weeks for that big of an improvement. Who woulda known cardio was good for the heart :p