A ~3.5 year fitness journey from off the fitness wagon altogether, to runner, to lifter

@johnmike Rock on!!!! Do you have an Instagram? I'd love to follow you! I lift too but am too shy to post as I don't feel as amazing as most Instagram lifter girls....
@josefkarl I can totally relate! My IG is @kayliexmichelle. It’s not dedicated to fitness but I do like to post my wins there. Would love to follow others similar.
@johnmike Bravo on your progress! I love reading inspirational journeys such as yours. As someone who is also an avid runner and dabbling in weights AND still working on my relationship with food, your story is reassuring that it’s always going to be a work in progress, but change is achievable. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Btw, I’m stealing your “memories over macros” bit.
@johnmike Yes! Fellow Michigan winter sufferer! You look amazing! I keep falling off the strength training wagon, but you are motivation to stick with it for sure! At least strength training is inside. Brrrrr. Great work, OP!!
@johnmike I’m a runner that knows she needs to get into strength training and is suffering from “starting a new unfamiliar thing” paralysis. I know it would help me reach my weight goal and feel SO GOOD and I am fully aware how important it is to strength train. I recently re-joined the gym with the intention of getting into strength training so I have zero excuses. Your post is SUPER motivating. You look awesome!
@swenne120 Thank you so much! I can really relate to that, it really is paralyzing! I’ll tell you though, it felt great being able to run a ton of miles, but strength training will make you feel like a machine. It’s worth it to push through, good luck!
Basically all the classic symptoms of fuckarounditis.

This made me lol. Ugh, the fuckarounditis is real. I wanna be strong! And flexible! And fast! And... I'll go take a nap now thank you.

You look awesome, keep it up!!
@alabamawriter84 I'm not sure about that but thanks haha! I think that it helps that I store more fat in my legs. I've definitely been working on gaining more upper body strength. It's taken forever but I'm making progress!