Advice for a skinny person with little to no muscle?


New member
Hi everyone, I'm an 18 year old guy (5'7, and less than 110 lbs) and I want to gain weight as well as build up muscle, as of right now I can do some pull ups, push ups, and I can run a 7:30 minute mile.

I would like to know what kind of exercises and diet I should follow in order to better myself, any sort of help, advice or tips would be greatly appreciated. :D
@delizzle Lift heavy, and eat more protein. Aim for about 0.5-1 grams of protein per pound of your body weight every day, and at least 50 grams of fat for healthy hormones. Since you're wanting to bulk (gain weight) eat in a calorie surplus.
@harpgal Can you elaborate on the 50 grams of fat for your hormones part? I’ve never heard that before. What happens if you don’t get enough fat?
@dcd You need fat to produce hormones, so a low fat diet results in low sex hormones and steroid production. You also need fat for fat soluble vitamin absorption such as A, D, E, and K.
@delizzle Honestly my best advice is to not get lost in the sauce there to much info out there so keep it simple don’t worry if your eating a lot and training you will gain bro newbie gains are the shit but the food really is the key player man
@delizzle Stick to zone 2 cardio, eat a gram of protein per lb of bodyweight, load the fuck up on plenty of carbs like cereal, juice, potatoes, lots of rice etc.. train like a a beast, and don't be afraid to get a little fat.
@delizzle Foods going to be the biggest obstacle for a skinny guy. Trust me on that. Weight lifting is key, make sure to eat a lot, and if you enjoy running, run. Just know that when you run, you’re going to have to eat even more food on that day.
@delizzle Lmao I’m with you on the food thing man. Remember, you won’t walk into the gym and bench 315 on your first day.. Just like when you start bulking, you’re not going to be able to eat 4,000 calories right out the gate. It’s a marathon not a sprint. Start slow and work your way up over time. With the right mindset you’ll get there brother.
@delizzle Before I dive into your questions I want to start by saying it's great that you are getting into fitness :)
  1. Depending on how many days a week you are willing to work out will depend on what program I'd suggest you do. Some of the most common splits are push-pull-legs (6 days a week), Upper-Lower (4 days a week), Bro split (5 days a week) full body workouts (2 or 3 times a week). All have advantages and disadvantages.tein per pound of body weight. So since you weigh 110 lbs you should aim for 110 g of protein a day.
  2. Depending on how many days a week you are willing to workout will depend on what program I'd suggest you do. Some of the most common splits are push-pull-legs (6 days a week), Upper-Lower (4 days a week), Bro split (5 days a week) full body workouts (2 or 3 times a week). All have advantages and disadvantages.
  3. Consistency will be the key to your success. You don't have to go 100% every single workout. If you are feeling like crap and don't want to go to the gym force yourself to go but you're more than allowed to only go 50% on those days.
I'm a personal trainer and would love to help you more. Send me a PM and we can talk specifics on what you can do. I wish you the best of luck my friend.
@shetel This is really detailed I appreciate it, I will definitely start looking into how many days I will be able to exercise so I'm able to schedule it with my work schedule too. I'll definitely pm you with any questions
@delizzle Don’t have to start with anything too strict besides just eating as much as you can and lifting consistently. Try to include lots of healthy proteins (chicken, eggs, protein shakes) and a good balance of carbs like rice. Once you’ve made some progress, it’s worth doing some more research on different lift routines and diets to see what works for you. Sometimes it’s trial and error cus everyone’s a bit different
@joda22322 Thank you I'll definitely try to take it easier on the beginning to get my body used to it and then start doing more. Do you know what brands or types of protein powder i should get for the shakes?