Advise please

Hi guys so i am a 53kg and a 5'4 19 year old male. I have been going to the gym for the last two months and have been doing a full body split for 3 days (monday, Wednesday and Friday)

I have divided my work out into work out A and work out B, i alternate between the work outs for example monday- work out A, Wednesday -work out B, Friday- workout A again and then next week i change the order to balance both the work outs equally for a month.

Work out A- squats 3×10
Bench press 3×10
Pull ups 3×6
Dips 3×6
Barbell bicep curls 3×8
Tricep extensions 3×10
High cable flye 3×10
Low cable flye 3×10
Leg press 3×10

Work out B - squats 3×10
Leg press 3×10
Incline bench 3×10
Deadlifts 3×10
Dips 3×6
Rows 3×10
Close grip bench 3×10
Barbell bicep curls 3×10

Is my work out good or should it be changed and recently i invested in an BPI anabolic muscle mass gainer which i haven't taken yet but will starting next week, I am worried i might get a fat stomach by taking mass gainer will that actually happen and if it is a risk how can i change my work out accordingly to prevent it? Any sort of advice would be much appreciated.
@critical_thinker Good job on your 2 months of exercising keep up the hard work!

Your workout routine looks good… are you trying to add more weight or reps every time you workout? If not now would be a good time to start!

Also most of the mass gainers are full of junk calories or sugar. I would recommend eating more food if you can. Add more protein to your diet. And if you want to gain some weight you can eat more carbohydrates around your workout before and after.

Hope that helps.

Let me know if you need any other assistance and I’ll be happy to help!

Good luck and keep us posted my friend!
@dawn16 Ohhhh thank you so much, i do try to add weight if i can but if i really can't add weight i will increase reps to progressive overload. I shall definitely keep yall posted🙌
@critical_thinker The body grows when you rest it.

Right now you are training it and stressing it.

Good work! Keep at it!

Just some words of encouragement. It was just 2 years ago that I went from an XL to barely fitting in a XXL.

It was 5 meals a day, riding the bike 3 times a day. I have two bikes. Running in the morning and swimming.

And I pride myself on being the worst Triathlete you have ever heard of.
@critical_thinker Just a fair warning. This is not a two way door. You go through it and then you are stuck there.

There are things to consider, like health, heart, diet. You can't build the machine and not feed it.

Also, when you fill out that t-shirt people expect that you can defend yourself.

I did it because I was in a coma, then a wheel chair, then a walker, and there was a lot of anger.

One of my first outings was to a Home Depot, and I had to work so hard just to get there, so much physical therapy.

It was during the height of the pandemic. And this couple were defiant about the mask and about personal space.

My wife just started laughing because I couldn't even speak complete sentences yet.

And here is this tough guy who was going to bully me.

My wife just took two steps back and started laughing.

I didn't have a conflict.

But I was mentally disabled, and could not form a sentence. And just because I was big, some idiot wanted to have a conflict with me in a Home Depot.

Things are a lot easier now that I can speak again. Just be aware that people will look at you differently.

When they look at me, they don't think Chess Club, Math Club, two Engineering degrees. They come at me with both guns blazing thinking I'm an idiot.

And we utilize that perception. I will be working security at the United Nations for a volunteer event.

But it hurts inside, not being seen as the engineer, the academic. And I can never stop working out.
@bluefleur Damn that is something i never gave much thought to honestly, i always assumed the bigger you are the less people mess with you. Thank you for sharing your story. I am really glad you are doing well right now. I will definitely consider all facts and proceed with my workout journey and will also aim to utilize both my physique and mind to make an impact on the world. Thank you so much
@critical_thinker I had to do it my physical therapist said it was the only way to get my arm back. But I notice the way people react to me.

The goal is to be like Bruce Lee.

He was frustrated with being invisible. But it was his strength as well.

If you focus on martial arts and triathlons, you will be effective but not so noticeable. And healthier.

I was in a Kung Fu class, I'm a student.

They had me sit behind these 3 90 lb girls.

Hours of Kung Fu, and my legs are jelly. They are shaking.

But these girls, it's like they are made of concrete.

After the class I asked them what they do. All three of them are lawyers.
@bluefleur Ohhh wow, i think i understand this because I am a martial artist myself i did karate for four years and yes this was the time i felt the best about myself as I was very healthy and my body was the perfect form for me to continue combat sports and my endurance, stamina were and off the charts but I quit my school karate team to focus more on my academics and i lost it all and since then i haven't been really confident and that is why i started going to the gym so that i can become bigger, i guess my goals have changed from the time i was doing karate and now because now i want to be bigger and focus more on strength.
@critical_thinker Ok, it sucks.

100 push ups every day.

2 bike rides that are about 3 miles.

And you have to get in your runs. You can start with Couch to 5K.

I would also do a few miles of open water swimming.


Sound good?
@critical_thinker Good work there buddy for continuing for 2 months keep at it
Looks like you are doing more or less the same exercises in ur both types of workouts.
Basically that's what required when you are a beginner but now as it have been 2 months you should change your workout regime
Follow a 5 day bro split or push pull leg split as it may fit to your schedule
I too am 5 4 and I was 56kgs just last year now 65 kgs I follow a 5 day bro split.
As per the mass gainer I dont know much abt the supplements I haven't used them myself but as long as your intake of calories is surplus.. greater than what you consume you'll gain weight