Fat is a d**k, need advise

@jared1958 Nah, if draws attention. Hopefully you get some answers you can use.

It's quite simple, your problem. Genetics determine how you store fat. A caloric deficit is the only proven way to lose fat. Maybe a mix of r/ketones and r/intermittentfasting could do the trick for you.
Walk 10.000 steps everyday. Get a jump rope. Do some form of intense cardio for 20 minutes each day and you're gonna be amazed with what you can do.
@jared1958 Do 500 burpees everyday then. Just do something where your pushing yourself and working hard everyday.

You can go more aggressive at it but the important thing is what you can do in the long run. Longterm consistency and hard work yields results. Hard work over a period of time towards a goal will always bring you closer to that goal
@jared1958 The final "click" for me was prayer. It came on my heart to become stronger and fit. I began praying for opportunities to become stronger and to help clear my mind so I can focus on workouts and my health.

I had to start telling myself that all the drowning thoughts needed to pause so I could focus and enjoy my workouts. If after my workout I wanted to waddle in sadness- the waddling in sadness could wait am hour while I worked out. I pray and then I let everything else go.

If something I feel is important comes to my mind during a workout I pause for one minute to make myself a note to deal with it later.

Typically by the end of my workout I feel so good that the feelings don't catch up to me. If they do I tell myself- I worked hard. If I want to take a shower and curl up in bed- that's fine.
@jared1958 Running while engaging your core. Do a sit up and back routine before you run (this is what I do) so you can feel your abs and back better during your run. Keep good posture when you run.

Also, you should be doing this regularly. Every other day at least. You won’t see the progress you want if you don’t commit and watch your diet.
@jared1958 Eating less meat would not be the problem, remember diet is number 1 when it comes to fat loss veggies meat and healthy fats. Make sure you get your protein in thats a big thing I I alot of people don't get enough of weather its plant based protien shakes or meats and slowly cut your carbs and fats from a diet you ready have if you have one, If not maybe you should track yourself to see what your eating and how many calories your consuming.
@jared1958 Well firstly, 128 lbs at your height and age isn’t very fat, I’m 19, 5.9 but 160 lbs. 12% body fat.

Secondly, you’re not gonna lose fat by cutting out the meats, you’re at a level where eating less isn’t healthy. To lower your body fat percentage, gain muscle, eat more protein. Get all the proper nutrients. Train hard, rest hard.
Muscle burns more fat than fat, so it’s likely you’ll lean up if you CLEAN build muscle. You need to gain healthy weight in the form of muscle.

Edit: suggestions for foods

I was a picky eater when I started my journey at 215 lbs and for protein I used protein shakes, protein bars, chicken, nuts.

Eventually I started liking eggs.

Recently I’ve started eating hamburgers, sausage, all the good stuff. So start with what you can tolerate.


CLEAN Build muscle and increase your overall weight. This will help you burn the stubborn fat and lower your body fat percentage by increasing your muscle percentage.