After the recent "ladies of X-height" posts..

@thehindubrahmin I don't own a scale and only get weighed at the doctors office. I have a ruff idea but luckily cause of weightlifting and focusing on how strong my body can get I don't care about the number anymore! Or if I get a little pudgy in my off season. For me it was eating disorder number fixation that made me stop using scales. SO AWESOME.
@thehindubrahmin Me! I had to do weigh ins for a regatta back in June but besides doctors appointments sprinkled in the years before I haven’t been keep track since I graduated undergrad. It’s been a lovely 6 years of not being tied to a number!

I’m currently working on my base line fitness and getting strength back into various parts of me after injuries. Unless I’m going for an Olympic team (Ha! As if!) I think I’ll just use my scale to weigh our luggage around the holidays :)
@thehindubrahmin I’m skinny fat, trying to do a recomp, and have a history of disordered eating. So I’m just going to off how I look in the mirror and feel because I’m sure if I gained weight from putting on muscle I’d be terrified it was from fat. I know I’m in a healthy range so the exact number really doesn’t matter.

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