After the recent "ladies of X-height" posts..

@thehindubrahmin I have a rough idea (I occasionally weigh myself before and after a big poo) but I generally don't keep track of it. I don't particularly need to lose weight and the exercise that I do is driven by the desire to have a strong, healthy body.

So I'm measuring my progress using how I look and feel
@8erkid You are seriously my spirit animal. If I owned a scale, this would be its primary purpose. I normally end up taking a before and after pic and chuckle to myself.

But I also agree with the rest of your post.
@thehindubrahmin I recommend weighing yourself if you bulk. You need to know if you’re eating enough . And you also need to make sure you aren’t putting on too much weight either. 1kg/2lbs a month is enough to support growth if you are a girl . Anything more than that is just excessive fat/water etc

I stopped weighing myself since I’m just recomping now. But I changed environment so I might need to check my weight some day . I also stopped tracking my calorie intake because moved away and i don’t want to buy scales all the time x)

I’ll get back to eat when I’ll have my own apartment. I look a lot better when I track my food
@thehindubrahmin I’m five months pregnant so the only real reason I know my weight is because of all the midwife appointments. I could guess ABOUT where I was pre-pregnancy, but I’m with you - weighing just stresses me out and I go by how I feel and how my clothes fit and what my body can do more than I go by the scale. For some that’s a legitimately important number for a variety of reasons, but none of those apply to me so I don’t bother. It just makes me crazy and afraid of food and I don’t need to be that way.
@thehindubrahmin I have no idea what I weigh unless I have my annual physical. I found I would get frustrated with the number if it wasn't going in the direction I wanted. So I only measure and use progress pics to track.
@thehindubrahmin I have no idea what I weigh. I literally have not weighed myself in years - the last time being when I was pregnant and they have to weigh you at appointments to make sure you aren't gaining too much, too quickly.

For me personally it isn't helpful. I'm not trying to lose weight, I'm trying to gain muscle and tone and I think the best way to determine that busting my ass of is working would be through before/after pictures and strength results in the gym, not by a number on a scale. The scale has always given me a very negative perception in regards to my body - and it always makes me overthink and stress about where a few extra pounds came from.
@thehindubrahmin I could guess a range but I don’t weigh myself. It’s not helpful to me (I can pursue my goals without knowing my exact weight) and the scale just messes with my head.
@dawn16 Same. Weighing myself usually just leads to frustration which leads to either a "fuck it" mentality where I binge eat or a "I'm going to restrict and work out every single day" mentality which isn't healthy either. In order for me to have a healthy relationship with food and my body, I've decided not to weigh myself.