After the recent "ladies of X-height" posts..


New member
Got me wondering, how many of you girls have no idea what you weigh? I know my height for sure, but I couldn't give you a guess on my weight. I stopped weighing because I found it less stressful for bulking, as I always felt small, weak and disappointed when I wasn't gaining.

So ladies, how many of you don't know your weight and what's your reason?
@thehindubrahmin Till recently, I didn't. I hadn't weighed myself for a good couple of years, just because when I did it always felt disappointing (me being heavier than I thought) so I decided to focus on eating well, training consistently, and just ignoring weight for quite a long time.

I recently took the plunge (actually felt nervous) and when I did I was lighter than I had been in a long time and lighter than I thought. So it showed me that going forward I think that's the way to go, for me. Not weighing myself regularly. Trusting myself on what I'm doing.
@thehindubrahmin I have a general idea of how much I weigh, but I have always had a really unhealthy relationship with the scale so I try not to focus on it too much. I am in the process of trying to lose a decent amount of weight, so I track progress by how my clothes fit.
@thehindubrahmin I don't keep track of my weight but I do occasionally at gym seeing as it's so easy. Right now I'm about 54kg I think?

I don't put much stock in weight, I prefer looking in the mirror.
@thehindubrahmin I'm trying to get to a point where I don't know how much I weigh. My mental health went sharply downhill really, really quickly in the last few months and I became absolutely obsessed with the scale even though I didn't seek out to lose weight, and then I just decided that hey, maybe I could! So now I'm trying to make it a week without weighing just so I can start getting to a better mind space.
@thehindubrahmin I weigh myself every morning, and track my calories, too, because I like to be a few pounds below my natural pre-set for my sport. My pre-set is 112-115, I'm currently at 110, and I get a noticeable bump in performance if I get down to 107.
@thehindubrahmin I occasionally weigh myself when I visit my parents. Every time I reflect on how pointless it is to weigh myself this inconsistently (no regard for clothing, recent food intake, bowel movements) but at least ai can guesstimate next time Google Fit pointlessly updates and asks for my weight.
@thehindubrahmin I know ~roughly~ what I weigh, sometimes they check my weight at the drs or I find myself in someone else’s bathroom and get curious but we don’t have scales at our house. I measure myself and I don’t really compare it with what’s healthy or normal for someone my age or height, I use it to see how my body is changing or staying the same. Something I’ve noticed from this is that my body 100% changes around my period (bigger boobs, bigger everything), I’m not just imagining it! Knowing my measurements is also helpful (but not perfect) for shopping online lol.
@thehindubrahmin Literally have no idea. I know my measurements and I take them religiously. I learned not to freak out about the scale because I care more about my waist to hip ratio and building myself up into a more hourglass shape. When I weighed lower, I looked more square (which is fine too, but not the look I've been working toward). I might be anywhere from 140-160 right now, but honestly? I might be surprised by being more than that.

I also learned quickly which foods bloat me and which help me flatten my core since I became familiar with my measurements vs. just my weight.

I also think that measurements give one a better idea of progress towards gaining goals than one's weight...but that's just me.
@thehindubrahmin I don’t own a scale and I never weigh myself (i also don’t count calories or anything to that effect), but I have medical appointments every few months to renew a prescription and they weigh me there. It helps me maintain a baseline and make sure I’m staying in a healthy range, since I’ve been at risk of being underweight my whole life.

I happened to have one of these just days before I caught the flu. By the time I made it to my GP I had lost 7 lbs. It was freaky. I never would’ve known if my doctor didn’t weigh me regularly.
@thehindubrahmin I find this post interesting, because I dont think like that... and maybe I should.

Maybe if I didn't weight myself then I could just focus on how it feels and looks. Do you ladies still do measurements?
@thehindubrahmin I go by waist size and other dimensions instead. Why? Because it dictates if I need to go shopping for clothes. Have a general where about weight idea, but measurements control buying habits
@thehindubrahmin For the last 30 or so years I never looked at my weight unless I was forced to, like going to the doctors office. It would give me extreme stress and would ruin my day. That's because i used to be over weight. I am now almost at my goal weight and lost 40lbs in the last 8 months. I look at the scale on a daily and have accepted my weight and number. I don't feel anxiety or stress anymore but instead am happy about it. It's more of an observation now with no judgements.
@thehindubrahmin I have an idea what I weigh but that was maybe 2 months ago. Now I have a more consistent gym routine but since I know I tend to gain when I start strength training I haven’t weighted myself. I’m scared to because I know I’ll beat myself up if the number on the scale is too high for me.
@thehindubrahmin I used to weigh myself all the time, but I have stopped because I felt like I was developing some very unhealthy attitudes about food and my weight. I have general idea (within 15 pounds) of how much I weigh, but I really don't know for sure. I feel a lot better this way, and I feel like it helps me improve my diet and exercise habits for the right reasons. Instead of going on a run because my weight went up 3 pounds, I go on a run because it makes me feel good. Taking inventory about how I feel instead of how much I weigh feels so much better! I don't think it is bad to know your weight, but I think we should all be aware of our relationship with the scale and make adjustments accordingly.
@thehindubrahmin I commented on the 'tall ladies how much do you weigh' post with my weight but honestly...that number is least a few months old. I weigh myself around 3 times a year (whenever I feel like and remember essentially).

I like to know my range, but my weight isn't really a useful number for me because I'm not really looking to lose weight and my muscles throw the number off anyway. Having another number to stress out about isn't fun, so why add one? :p