After the recent "ladies of X-height" posts..

@thehindubrahmin I strongly believe every scale is not accurate at all since bodyweight fluctuates several pounds given water intake. I’m also one of those lucky soles who will see the scale move 4-7lbs during or before my period and the whoosh it’s all gone. So I use a scale for a general gauge but I really have no idea like down to the lb what I weigh..
@thehindubrahmin I don't! Had an eating disorder tied to getting back to my high school weight (111 lbs, 5'4 frame) and my boyfriend banned me from weighing myself, haha. Now I think it's somewhere between 120-127, but that's about it!
@thehindubrahmin I know now, but I didn't for a while because I was pregnant. I asked my doctor if they could just tell me if something was WAY off or concerning in either direction, and otherwise not mention it, and they said that'd be fine. It was stressful to be gaining weight after trying to lose for so long.
@thehindubrahmin I hit my lowest weight in April of this year, then gained about 15 lbs back (I only know this bc of a doctor appt in early August where I was weight w/ clothes and shoes on at 15 lbs up from that weight) and I haven't weighed myself (intentionally) since about May. I know I gained because my clothes got tight and uncomfortable and my bras stopped fitting, but I also know I'm losing weight now because my clothes are fitting better, my belt loop is one tighter, etc. Not tracking every day has honestly been the best thing for me mentally and I don't think I'll ever go back to being that meticulous because it put me in such a bad spot mentally that I ended up on anti-depressants so... here's to not really knowing my weight!
@thehindubrahmin Have no clue. I don't have a scale, and every once in awhile I'll find myself at somebody's home with a scale and I'll step on it and have no clue what this number means beyond the socially conditioned idea of "smaller is better", which I understand intellectually to be bullshit. So I get off the scale none the wiser.

I use the "are my trousers tight" method.
@thehindubrahmin Opposite here, I don’t weigh myself because I get caught up in whether the number is small enough. I think it’s good for me to weigh myself occasionally as a reality check but generally as long as I am actually exercising regularly it’s good for me.

And I didn’t know what it was called, but intuitive eating works well for me. And I find that it goes along well with other things my therapist has told me for anxiety.
@thehindubrahmin I know what I USED to weigh, because I obsessed over it. I’m at university now and while there are probably scales available, I’ve made a point of not learning where they are.
So, while I could probably give you a fairly accurate guess, I don’t actually know.
@thehindubrahmin I get weighed at the doctor or yearly health screening. I’d rather be happy than know how much I weigh. When my clothes fit and I like how I look I figure I’m fine.
@thehindubrahmin Heh so I don’t even own a scale... based on what I was doing before (I was a collegiate athlete) and now three years out of college and being a slack, I know how much I should weigh when in good shape, but I also know how my body should feel.
@thehindubrahmin I moved and it's not currently feasible to weigh myself naked first thing in the morning after going to the bathroom.

Also, when I'm weighing myself a lot, I feel like I get a nocebo effect about my deficit. Like I feel super weak and garbage if I'm below maintenance at all. Somehow if I just look at MFP tracking vs my fitbit TDEE that doesn't happen as much.
@thehindubrahmin I used to keep very close tabs on my weight because og muay thai, but now that I stopped fighting it stopped mattering. I weighed myself out of curiosity after a couple months of not - it was kind of a weird feeling that it wasn't important.
@thehindubrahmin My husband wanted the cheapest scale, one of those with a dial on it you have to adjust sometimes. I thought it would be fine, but it’s really hard to read. It says I’m roughly 127lb though. However I went to the doctor and was weighed and was 137lb....I did not have on 10 lbs worth of clothing.
So I don’t really know my weight, and I’ve given up on that scale because I think it’s gives me false hope.
@dawn16 This has happened to me at the doctor's too. I just have to remind myself "I didn't gain 10 pounds. I just had a different idea of what 10 pounds looks like/feels like. The number itself is arbitrary."
@thehindubrahmin I don’t know what I weight right now and I can’t remember the last time I weighed myself. I’ve been to the doctor a few times this past year when I started to get fit but whenever I went, I closed my eyes whenever I got on the scale and told the nurse to NOT tell me because I didn’t want to know. I think I went at least 3 times and each time they told me I went down but didn’t tell me by how much. I measure myself by whether I can fit comfortably in my clothes and whether I think I look good naked. I’m almost there and that’s all that matters to me!
@thehindubrahmin Also, when at the doctor, I will climb on the scale backwards and ask them not to tell me. They’re always very accommodating. I’ll ask if I’m a healthy weight and that’s it.

It doesn’t matter how happy I am with my body in the morning, if I discover my weight in the afternoon, I will obsess about it.
@thehindubrahmin I don’t weigh myself. I shouldn’t be given access to a scale. I will check constantly. I know my size and my measurements and can ballpark my weight, but that’s it.

My mom is obsessed with her weight. Like, pounding on the bathroom door while you’re taking a shower because she needs to weigh herself that second. She weighs herself twice a day at exact times.

No one in my family should be allowed to weigh themselves.
@fallr Same story here, and still recovering. I'll sometimes watch my friend's cat and he keeps a scale in his bathroom so every time I go over there it's a fight not to weigh myself. It's a surefire way to ruin my week when I know the number. Stay strong, sister!