Alternatives to 500 pound club?

@crazythat 105 bench is insanity to me as someone who only can put a 5 lb plate on each side :,) Also forget those boys, a lot of times teenage boys are super insecure about being small/not very strong so I’m sure you lifting big was triggering those insecurities and they had to try and say something to help their wounded ego. You are an inspiration to other gym goers; I’ll keep working so that someday I can be strong enough to join you in the club!!
@crazythat Yeah and I think something you should be aware of is... 180 pounds is actually pretty average-to-small for weightlifting bros that come up with ideas like the "500 club." He can be proud of his total because at 140 he's a pretty small dude yet still hitting high numbers, but you're in no way some kind of mass monster relative to the demographic that created the standard!
@kmunson I mean it’s not though. As a smaller woman, I get easily discouraged by the numbers I lift and my trainer reminds me that I’m moving a higher body percentage than a lot of people.

Still a dick thing to say though to try to take away someone’s accomplishment
@acronk Exactly - yes, those of us with more weight on our bodies get more strength work going up a flight of stairs (etc) so it is easier for us to hit bigger numbers; that's why there are weight classes in lifting competitions, but you still have to put in the work to get there.

But he was a complete ass; if you'd had a friendly conversation and he'd pointed to one of the ratio-to-bodyweight calculators that people have linked here, in order to compare your lifts with his in a friendly way, sure, but he was just being an ass.
@crazythat At the end of the day, you are training to become stronger and a better version of yourself. If you still feel like your achievement is meaningless, set another goal for yourself; go for 600 or 700
@crazythat Grown gym bros in the gym would say that it counts and you should be proud. Only insecure people try to take away your pride in your accomplishments. I’m sure if you brought it up with a pro powerlifter, they would agree that your 500 pound club milestone counts.
@crazythat I never comment in this sub just lurk - but I had to here. He's jealous. I'm 5'7", 175, and almost twice your age and being able to lift that much is one of my big goals - I couldn't even dream of it right now! Be proud of yourself! You're strong!
@constableparks This means a lot 😊 I’ve been struggling to try to lose weight for pretty much my entire (short) life thus far and I got into weightlifting as a suggestion from my dad because he said he thought I’d be good at it. Knowing that there’s other women who also lift who aren’t as thin as the ones on Instagram makes me feel really good because I was getting kind of scared that I’d not be able to be a ‘real weightlifter’ unless I strive to lose weight.
@crazythat Honestly, delete your Instagram account. Study after study has shown that spending lots of time on social media as an adolescent does measurable harm to your mental health. Less drastically, don't follow accounts of people you don't know personally. So much of what's on Instagram is 1000% fake.