Alternatives to 500 pound club?

I can’t say I feel super good about it because one of the teenage guys at my gym told me when I was doing squat reps that I only do as much weight as I do because mass moves mass.

He's right, but that's a point in your favor, not against. Continue being big and strong.
@anon103 I bet that teenage boy can’t squat as much as you right? I agree with the above poster, being a big strong girl means you are built for lifting and will continue to do well at it if you enjoy it and want to keep training! I have also always been a big strong girl (now big strong woman) and lifting is a lot of fun. I bet if you put some work into your deadlift form you will be up to 300 soon! 600 lb club here we go!
@crazythat Wow!! You’re that young and you’re doing this?! I’m a HS teacher and half the males don’t achieve this I bet!! You keep going girl!! Way to be strong and not just a Barbie girl ( no offense Barbie)!