@lucaannibale 12 eggs a day on top of what you're eating would net a nice 1000 calories, 84g protein and plenty of cholesterol and micros to maximize testosterone.
Prepare it however you like.
When I really need to hit my protein number I will mix raw egg with protein shake for a yummy easy high protein egg nog. Fat and protein are packaged together in nature and will aid digestion when packaged together. Stomach acids and stuff.
Generally, drink the protein/calories if you have issues going higher, eat them if you want to be my re full and satiated. I don't know how you feel on your current diet.
I would add these clean calories and protein for a few weeks. Then deload for a week, 2 weeks if you have manage it, extremely little activity because your body needs it. Your body will be primed to build muscle, look up MTOR resetting.
The body builds muscle while recovering. Eat carbs post workout and in the evening to fuel your sleep.
With high volumes of training, it's a game of recovery. You can do it, but you have to focus on sleep and nutrition even more. You can do it for amazing gains.
But for mass, hit the weights. I mix both bodyweight and weights. It's just quicker to load the barbell vs doing more pushups and gains are faster.
Post workout cardio can kill gains too. It can flush out metabolites that are good for hypertrophy. It's why you can get less sore with post workout cardio.
High weekly volume is king for hypertrophy and you got that. I have a feeling you will blowup in a good way when you deload and add more protein.