Am I too Old for gains? Muscle and Strength?

@lucaannibale My grandfather started in his late 60's. He said it was simple consistency. 1-2 hours of exercise a day, switching between cardio and weights.

The biggest thing he changed, though, was his diet. He eats simple, non processed foods, cutting down carb intake and completely removed sugar from his diet.

We had a deadlift competition this summer, and he was able to keep up with me to a 350lbs lift!

I really do believe you're never too old to get in shape.
@lucaannibale I'm 49 and I got to three sets of eight Pull-Ups before switching to different variations. Seems to me like you aren't resting enough. I rested 3 minutes between each set. Also I heard that when you get to our age you need to eat more protein so why don't you try that?
@emyrs Thx for your input. I’m definitely going to increase protein. Seems like the general consensus here. I’m way under eating.
I’m new to this fitness world and don’t know all the right ways to build my body and strength. I came off a couch in mid April 2022 at 240 lbs and have been working hard to improve my body, diet, strength everyday since. I lost the bulk of my weight in the first 4 months. Got down to 175 lbs. I had some health problems prior to April and the cause of those problems were directly related to inactivity and poor choices.
@lucaannibale You're not old to do anything.

Workout, career change, learn to drive, get new skills, learn to code, go to university...

You have one life to make the most out of it.
@audiologic 4 days at home, I have a rack, barbell, weights, plates, dumbbells, bands, pull up bar, cardio equipment…
I do 1 day at the gym to improve form. As well one of my current goals is to learn muscle ups and my trainer has me doing drills to achieve that goal. Banded is where I’m at so far on MU’s.
@lucaannibale That's a lot of time strength training. Are you getting 1g of protein per lb of body weight per day? If you are still carrying more body fat than you want, eat your protein and eat a little less calories overall until you start losing around 1/2 lb/week. I am also 47, but 6'-2" and 190 lbs and carrying around 13-14% fat. I am still cutting and eating 1800-1900 calories/day with macros at 30% Carbs/30% Fat/40% Protein and losing between 1/2 to 1 lb/week. I do three or four 30 min strength training workouts a week and cycle and walk on off days. I eat extra calories/carbs if I am planning on a longer hike (10+ miles) or bike ride (30+ miles).

You should be able to make great gains doing 30-40 minutes of strength training 3-4 times a week.
@audiologic Thank you for this. I’m definitely not hitting that protein mark. 1 chicken breast a day plus whatever I get from other non-meat sources. Which is not a lot actually
@lucaannibale Adding protein will make a huge difference and might be the only change you need to realize some gains.

Egg whites, fish, yogurt (Oikos Triple Zero is high protein, no fat), low fat cottage cheese, powdered protein like pea or whey (I put a scoop of vanilla whey protein powder in my coffee or use a scoop in a smoothie), protein bars in a pinch. Whole foods/grains/breads have more protein than their refined counterparts.