Another beginner weight post


New member
Hey guys

I’ve done a bunch of research to get started on a kettle bell routine. I’m finally ready to order a kettle bell. I am 33M, 5’9 205. Not great shape but not terrible either. I’ve been going to the gym for about a month and today I tested out pressing 35 lb dumbbells since I’m 90% sure a 16kg kettle bell is the right for size for me to start with. I was able to press 4 reps on my left side and 5-6 on the right.

Based on the above info can y’all confirm (I guess reassure me) that 16kg is a good or appropriate starting weight?
@dmk741 Truth is, a 16kg bell is just a great weight. You can’t go wrong with it. Later, when you ask, yes you need the 12, 24, and 32. And you need the doubles.

But, yeah, 16kg is a great place to start.
@feuerbach Call it a luxury, but I like having the 12’s and lighter bells for things like deloading and mobility work. A shoulder is a complex and fragile thing. There’s a big difference in my mind between the stability I have in my shoulder for an overhead press and a windmill. Learning the Turkish Get Up is easier. So “need” is a too severe a word, but I can tell you 12’s and lighter are great to have around.
@lincolncreek It does interest me to expand to a larger set of kettlebells later but I just want to start with one to get the hang of it. Thank you for the input. I’m going to order a 16kg from kettlebell kings tonight.
@dmk741 I don’t know if this matters to you, but the cast iron ones have a different center of gravity than the sport ones. What’s that mean? It means if you watch the jugglers, they all use sport kettlebells.
@lincolncreek I’m not sure if it matters to me either. I did a bunch of research, read a lot of this sub, watched YouTube videos. From what I’ve read regarding the differences, I think I’d be fine with the cast iron.
@dmk741 Thirded the 16kg. You will rapidly want a second, and they will kick your butt for years. It’s a great weight to learn swings, presses and snatches, and you’ll use the doubles for c+p (clean and press) for endurance training forever. Welcome to the family.
@dmk741 16, 24 and 32. Are the original kettlebell weights.

Can’t go wrong with the 16. But If you think you’ll outgrow it and finances are tight get a 20.

Lots of 16 on the used market where i live. May want to go the used route to save some $
@dmk741 Adjustable competition bell from titan or any other place costs more but can grow with you. And when you get a second you’ll be pretty set for anything