Any way to continue my progress of 1LB fat loss per week?


New member
I am 21F 5’3 and in the beginning, my journey was purely through calorie count and I lost 25 lbs (161 to my current 136)I ate between 1400-1500 calories and very little exercise besides some walking. As my maintenance has lowered (1630 currently) so has my deficit, I try and aim for 1300-1400 but some days I end at 1450. That’s not a very large deficit and leaves a lot of room for error, to combat this, last week I began walking 2 miles a day 4-5 days a week and doing 30 minute dance workouts/walk workouts by glowwithjo for 3-4 days a week. I have been told my fitbit is likely not accurate towards calories burned and since starting working out my weight has stalled (I’ve read this is normal due to water retention in muscles) so I haven’t been able to use my scale for progress. My fitbit is telling me I am in a 500 calorie deficit between the activity and actual caloric deficit, What do you think based on your experience, Is there any advice or workouts u may have for beginners starting the fitness journey?
@jesusisking1 If you are in a deficit you will lose weight. Likely your adherence to a deficit is not as on point as it once was. Metabolism doesn’t slow down as quickly as we think. Movement and high protein intake, and adding muscle mass will increase your metabolism so you can eat more. Track your consistency very accurately. And be patient. That’s the only way thru a plateau. Weight doesn’t have to come off every week. You may also benefit from a diet break if you are burned out. Try eating in maintenance for at least two weeks then get back into the deficit with compliance.
@zumbafanforever I know that it’s all about patience but i just want these last 16 lbs off and i’d prefer them to come off weekly like my previous pounds instead of 0.5 lb a week. I am very vigilant in counting food so that’s not the problem, and i don’t feel comfortable going under my goal of eating 1300-1400. Like u said movement and muscle mass will help with making my deficit greater, maybe I worded my post wrong because I meant to ask for advice for high calorie burning exercise for beginners as i’d like to maintain one pound weight loss per week. I started my workouts last week and since then my weight has stalled, but I have learned this is typical as water will retain in sore muscles and blood volume will increase so i’m not sure if i am actually in a plateau or my body just getting used to me starting exercise
@jesusisking1 Half a pound per week is excellent progress and a very healthy and sustainable way to lose weight. Be proud. This will allow you to keep your muscle and have a better physique.

Add more daily steps. Hit 8-10k consistently if you’re not already. Adding steps is easiest on the body and recovery.
@zumbafanforever Thank you very much. I guess its just hard to see my progress slow as for the past many months it has been a particular way. You are right tho and i will have to just be patient and keep doing what i’m doing and add some steps. I usually walk halfway home from college (2 miles) but I will try working my way up to walking the entire way home to double my steps.
@jesusisking1 Weightloss will slow down the closer you get to your goal. This is normal and not anything to be worried about.

Fitbits and other fitness trackers are not known for their accuracy. Take their readings with a grain of salt.
@conslater Plus 1 to this comment -- it's slower once you are at an average weight because the weight isn't excess anymore.

Even my highest weight during bulking was just barely overweight so the weight comes off 1lb a month, not 1lb a week, during recomp.

My scale isn't particularly precise, so my tracker will be like nothing, nothing, -1lb, nothing, nothing, +1 during menstruation, -1, nothing, et cetera.
@conslater Yeahhh, i actually just said in a previous comment it’s just very hard to go from one pound weight loss per week to less than that as i’m accustomed to this. I knew the closer i got to my GW the harder it would be to maintain 1lb weigh loss weekly, but i thought that would be the last 10 lbs but i guess the last 16 lbs for me 🥲 lol. And yes i’m aware the trackers are innacurate, I was wondering if anyone had a more accurate measures towards burned calories. Also per a previous comment i will be trying to add more steps in my day for extra activity.
@jesusisking1 It’s really difficult to accurately count calories burned, even with all of the technology we have available.

I used to work retail and was incredibly active outside of work, I lost weight so easily. Now working a full time office job, it is very slow. I have to be very careful, track all of my calories everyday.

I calculated my sedentary TDEE, and just try to eat below that. Anything burned through exercise is just bonus for me. I’m happy to lose anything at this point, as long as it’s trending downward.

It’s hard, but it’s worth it to work yourself out of the mindset that you have to lose weight within a certain time frame. It’s not a race.
@conslater thank you! that’s what everyone is telling me. I just need to get it through my head lol. im going to just keep doing what i do plus some more steps in my day and just try and trust my deficit. Even without activity i am deficit-ing around 200 calories so matter what i will have fat loss. It’s just very jarring and kinda nerve wracking to go from consistent weekly pound weight loss to less than that.
@jesusisking1 This might be an unpopular opinion, but I’ve been doing keto. As a shorter person it’s really helped break through a plateau and I’ve lost 3lbs since I started 2 weeks ago pretty effortlessly. I’m only planning to do it short term and to help break through plateaus, but it seems to work.