New member
I am 21F 5’3 and in the beginning, my journey was purely through calorie count and I lost 25 lbs (161 to my current 136)I ate between 1400-1500 calories and very little exercise besides some walking. As my maintenance has lowered (1630 currently) so has my deficit, I try and aim for 1300-1400 but some days I end at 1450. That’s not a very large deficit and leaves a lot of room for error, to combat this, last week I began walking 2 miles a day 4-5 days a week and doing 30 minute dance workouts/walk workouts by glowwithjo for 3-4 days a week. I have been told my fitbit is likely not accurate towards calories burned and since starting working out my weight has stalled (I’ve read this is normal due to water retention in muscles) so I haven’t been able to use my scale for progress. My fitbit is telling me I am in a 500 calorie deficit between the activity and actual caloric deficit, What do you think based on your experience, Is there any advice or workouts u may have for beginners starting the fitness journey?