Assault Bike Wods


New member
A few I’ve done recently: 1) 15 down to 1 AB cals w/ 1 up to 15 burpees (19:58). 2) 50/40/30/20/10 cals/sit ups (16:02). 3) 0:00-10:00 100 cals (7:04) 10:00-20:00 10 cals emom (ave :33/:34).

Give me some you like that don’t involve other equipment.
@scorpius22 10 rounds - 1 minute on / 1 minute off

Sprint 10 calories (full send) then maintain your 1 mile pace for the rest of the minute.

3 x tabata - rest 4 minutes between each set
  • 50 cal for time
  • Single 10-sec effort for max wattage, followed by Max :30 intervals at 90% with one-minute rest.
  • Tabata for max calories
  • Max Calories in 60 seconds
  • 10 x :30/:30 for max calories
  • 21-15-9: Assault Bike, Burpees, Rower (if you have a rower)
  • SAMCRO: 30/25/20/15/10/5 Cals + Burpees
  • 300 FY