Mini bike? Under-desk elliptical? Trying to get more activity in my day

@joshuanicholson I am wondering the same thing, I do have a standing desk, but that's not nearly enough in terms of movement.

I've been researching treadmills vs underdesk bike, but I haven't made my mind up yet, so am very interested in other people's experiences with either (or another option).
@susie40s I've had both and the treadmill is much more effective imo! The bike is awkward and you hit your knees a lot and cannot exactly sit upright how you want.
@susie40s I have an underdesk treadmill and use it every day. I set a goal for myself (20K steps) and when I'm done with that, I call it quits. It makes my day go by way faster and I'm killing two birds with one stone. I've had some minor issues with my model but I'd still recommend it as I feel like it's budget friendly. Let me know if you'd like the rec!
@susie40s I love my desk treadmill, I use it every work day and am up to ~15k steps a day. It took me a while to work up to that, but now I actually find it weirder to stand vs walk when working.