Mini bike? Under-desk elliptical? Trying to get more activity in my day

@bjcj123 You're so very welcome. Now, as already stated, I have had some random issues with it but nothing that has stopped me from using it. I'll be walking and it'll randomly throw an error saying I've exceeded the weight limit (I haven't, it's not physically possible, but thanks for the self esteem booster, Treadmill). All I have to do is unplug it, and plug it back in and it's fine. I've been using it 5 days a week (at least), for 20K steps (at least) since May of 2021 and it's still working 99.9% of the time!
@anonymous1991 That's actually a shockingly good maintenance record for pretty much any kind of trainer!

Thank you again for all the info! I live in the Pacific Northwest and it's just too cold and wet here to be outside during the winter a lot of the time, so I've been looking for something to take the place of my far more active summer lifestyle during the winter!
@joshuanicholson I took a different approach - I got a Peloton, and while I love the classes, I use it just as much without classes with a desktop on it (I use one from Top Form Designs). I find that I can ride and type on the desk with relative ease, and the equipment itself is study and can also be used for more intense exercise.
@deerlane What is with the amazon pic of the dude using his hands lol! Also, thank you for this, I know this is 2 years later but I am looking for this exact thing.
@joshuanicholson I have a mini bike and it's decent. I will say that it's hard to find a chair the right height for it- I have long legs and I'm sure it's more of a struggle for me than others, but I'm never truly comfortable using it because my knees are either too bent or not bent enough. It also tends to slide around on the floor (or carpet, or whatever else it's on) so you find yourself slowly sinking in your seat and have to re-adjust every few minutes. I usually push it up against something like the wall or a table, but I also have big feet so my toes will touch whatever it's pushed up against. It's fairly uncomfortable to use under a desk too (like if you're trying to work and pedal at the same time). My knees just constantly hit the desk.

It's pretty good to use when you're mindlessly watching tv or something like that at home but I don't know that I'd recommend it for at a desk!
@mikcortez I also get knee pain because my chair"s height is low. I decided to buy a bar stool that has adjustable height, so i will be able to tweak the height and distance as much as I want.
I presume that I will need to put the stool next to a wall so i dont slide and put dumbells in front of the under desk bike so it doesnt move but maybe it wont if I am on top of it with the bar stool's height set to high.
@joshuanicholson Hi there! Fellow Canadian here. I have a little wooden stand that mounts on top of my exercise bike. I sit and do my graphic design work and pedal away. You can usually find cheap bikes on facebook marketplace or Kijiji. My husband made the desk out of scrap wood in the garage, It isn;t pretty but it does the job.

Walmart usually has a good deal on entry level rowers. But I use that way less than my desk bike,
@joshuanicholson I get a ton of use out of my treadmill. I use it for regular walking/running while watching tv.

As well, I use mine as a walking desk. If your treadmill has arms (like this), you can set a board across them and set a laptop and mouse on there. I just bought a random piece of shelving from the as-is section at Ikea for my board. I have to walk a little bit slower when I'm using my computer, but it's still steps.
@naturemade I bought one of those thin treadmills that are meant for under standing desks, but I just use it to walk on in front of the tv in the evenings or when I have a phone call (like my teletherapy call). I’ve been thinking of getting a standing desk and using it under there, but even just using it in the evenings when I’d normally sit on the sofa has been really helpful!