At 93, he’s as fit as a 40-year-old. His body offers lessons on aging


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Good inspiring article from the Washington Post about a fit 93 year old rower who didn't start training until he was in his 70s!

For lessons on how to age well, we could do worse than turn to Richard Morgan.

At 93, the Irishman is a four-time world champion in indoor rowing, with the aerobic engine of a healthy 30- or 40-year-old and the body-fat percentage of a whippet. He’s also the subject of a new case study, published last month in the Journal of Applied Physiology, that looked at his training, diet and physiology.

Its results suggest that, in many ways, he’s an exemplar of fit, healthy aging — a nonagenarian with the heart, muscles and lungs of someone less than half his age. But in other ways, he’s ordinary: a onetime baker and battery maker with creaky knees who didn’t take up regular exercise until he was in his 70s and who still trains mostly in his backyard shed.

Even though his fitness routine began later in life, he has now rowed the equivalent of almost 10 times around the globe and has won four world championships. So what, the researchers wondered, did his late-life exercise do for his aging body?

Here is a gift link for the article in the Washington post:
At 93, the Irishman is a four-time world champion in indoor rowing, with the aerobic engine of a healthy 30- or 40-year-old

didn’t take up regular exercise until he was in his 70s

Welp. The data has spoken. It's time to stop working out and shut this sub down.

See y'all in r/fitness70plus in a few years when we start working out again!
During the time trial, his heart rate peaked at 153 beats per minute, well above the expected maximum heart rate for his age and among the highest peaks ever recorded for someone in their 90s, the researchers believe, signaling a very strong heart.

153 bpm HRmax? Damn, I'm at 60yo, put in 20-25 mi/wk running, and it's really hard to break 145.

Very inspiring.
@andrewm12 I know a 68 year old with 10 percent body fat who was a golden gloves boxer in the day. Not only could he out exercise most people he could beat the fuck out of you afterwards too.