Progress Report (08/2018-01/2019): Getting fit for Army Basic Training

@geobridge My brother branched Armorer (spelling?) and loves it. He’s deploying in July and overall is super pleased with his experience.

Nice work btw! My best friend went through basic and said it wasn’t too bad, so good luck to you!
@geobridge Currently working on officer candidacy myself. What's your pt scores and maxes?

Did you go enlisted first with the intention of dropping a packet later?
@dawn16 Last time I took a PT test was around June and I believe I was somewhere in the low 240s. So I'm sure by now I'm way above that.
Regarding OCS since I had no prior service but I had a degree it was much easier and cost effective for me to commission instead of enlist and drop a packet later. The way that works civilian wise I had to complete a slightly different packet and then sit in front of a board (believe it was some recruiting command?) before they could recommend me for candidacy.
@geobridge You’re in a helluva better position than most going in to basic if you’re already scoring 240s. Are you currently training just for the traditional APFT or for the new ACRT (or whatever they’re calling it) that’s supposed to go into effect this October? I saw deadlifts on your routine but I didn’t see any explicit back/ abdominal workouts. I just ask because the two events that are most concerning to me (since Army doesn’t train them) are deadlifts and a knee-tuck exercise on the pull-up bars. I’ll be getting out before I have to take the new pt test but I know a lot of soldiers struggle with the climbing drills and I foresee a lot of injuries with the added deadlift event. Don’t be one of those that’s caught up in doing awesome now and then get tripped up because you suddenly struggle because you haven’t been training for an event!
@livinginchrist Thank you for your advice! I admit that I haven't been doing much in the way of ab exercises except what's been mandated in the RASP workouts and that's mostly sit ups. I haven't really been training for the new ACFT but I'll be sure to try out the leg tuck exercise to see if that's something I'll have to be focusing on when I get some down time between BCT and OCS.
@geobridge This is bad ass what you’re doing. As a 5’11 woman, and a veteran you’re going into the army at a great time. Those jobs didn’t open up until I was about half way done with my contract.

Don’t ever give up and keep kicking ass. All the women in the service and veterans are rooting for you.
@dawn16 Thank you so much. I hope to make everyone proud and hopefully lead the way for the next generation of female soldiers to be even better than I could ever be.

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