Bad follow up dexa scan, where to go from here


New member
So I got a dexa scan today after 5 months, expecting to see at least a bit of muscle gain along with some fat. The results were almost 5lb of fat gain and slight muscle loss and going from 27.7% BF to 31% at 5’3

Here’s the report and a photo of me yesterday after a workout:
I’m at a bit of a loss here on what to do. Prior to the first scan I was running 3-5 miles ~3 times a week and doing light full body dumbbell workouts 1-2 times a week.

I started lifting heavy (focusing on squat, deadlift, and hip thrusts) around April. I had a running injury so took about a month off from running, while prioritizing lifting in June but now I’m running 2x a week ~3 miles. I do legs 2x a week and upper body 1x a week.

Lifting has increased my appetite quite a bit so I’ve definitely been eating more and not tracking anything other than aiming for 100g protein a day which is my bad but I assumed since I was progressing in my lifts I was building muscle when I saw the weight on the scale increase. I expected to see an increase in fat but not the decrease in muscle.

Do I trust the dexa scan? Do you guys think I look 31% BF? I’m bummed out because I enjoy lifting heavy but am thinking about switching back to running 3x a week and dropping a leg day. Also going to need to start calorie counting :(

edit: thanks all for the comments I appreciate y’all so much! I’ve had some body image issues before and am finally in a place where I’m happier with how I look and feel good about my body thru running/lifting. In the the direct aftermath of the scan I was definitely freaking out but your comments have reassured me. I think this will be the last dexa scan I get and I’ll track progress thru photos/measurements, lifting PRs, and running goals.
@hvkadk12 From looking at your picture I’m shocked that your body fat % is 31%. I even googled what that % looks like on other women and you look much leaner than what came up in my search results.
@mellerd OP’s body fat is objectively not 31%. I would bet anything on it. I’ve said it under other posts, these scans are not reliable and they’re not even being done by anyone I would consider sufficiently credentialed to be giving out this kind of information.
@ecumeni It's a computer program. You don't need any credentials to perform a DEXA, you might need a training certificate at most. Kind of like you don't need credentials to take an x-ray or even perform a CT. The output is based on complex formulas run by software. Anyone can just read the numbers. That's why these aren't indicated for measuring body fat percentage. DEXAs are bone mineral density scanners. The problem is that they also produce data that is not just bone mineral density so people who are profit motivated are happy to monetize
@jamsie ?? Is there no one running the machine? Doing maintenance/calibration?

Edit since you edited your comment which was previously just “It’s a computer program” idk where you live but you absolutely have to have certification in my state to use both x-ray and CT scan machinery.