@jakesmith99 I'm also bad at bench. 225 kg deadlift and 102 kg bench. It's partially because my arms are quite long compared to my height. Do you also have long arms?
@jakesmith99 Do a 10 minute emom. 5 push ups a minute. If you can do that, do 6 a minute the next time and keep going up. Doing that helped out a lot with my push-ups and that will also help your bench too
@jakesmith99 Just have someone who knows how to bench well look at your form closely. If you're struggling to improve it then you likely aren't engaging the proper muscles due to an improper bar path.
@jakesmith99 If your gym doesn't do any strength training in your programming, then I assume you have time to go set up a bar and do some bench (and some squats and DLs, etc) after or before class right?