BarBroZ Austria Routine - Your thoughts


New member
Hi guys @ bodyweightfitness,

today I would like to share with you, our routine we have put together and I am also looking for improvements & suggestions :) We are currently working out for nearly 6 months.

We are working out 4-times a week. Most of the time, its two days in a row, 1 day break, 2 days in a row, 2 days break.

So our routine starts with:

Warmup: (approx. 10-15min)
  • Light Jog (2-3 min)
  • Jumping Jacks (1 min)
  • Arm Circles (30 sec each arm - small circles + big circles, total 2min)
  • Huggers (1 min)
  • Bent over Huggers (1min) - for the lower back
  • Dangling Arm Circles (1min)
  • Wrist Circles (1min)
  • Wrist Stretch (30sec each hand & direction)
Skill-Training: (approx. 15min) - 2 sets each exercise
  • Wall-Handstand hold (between 40-60 sec)
  • Front - & Back Lever (Tucked or so, depends on progression of each member)
  • Planche progression
  • L-/V-Sit progression
Leg Workout: (10-15min): Add weight if to easy
  • 2 Sets
  • 20 Reps each
  • Break: 0 sec between exercises - 2 min between sets
  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Calves (stand on a stone and go up only with your toes)
  • Wall Sit
  • Pump-Out with Squats
Power-Workout / 3 Sets / 6-10 Reps: (30-45min) - add extra weight if to easy

The reason we choosed these 6 exercises is, to have the full range of movement on our shoulders. (horizontal/vertical pull & push exercises)
  • 3 Sets
  • 6-10 Reps
  • Break: 30 secs between exercises, 2-3 min between sets
  • Handstand Pushups
  • Wide Pullups
  • Chinups
  • Dips
  • Pushups
  • Rows
ABS-Workout: (15-20min):
  • 2 Sets
  • each exercise till failure
  • Leg Raises
  • Windmill Twists
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Crunches
  • Heel Touches
  • Reverse Crunches
Flex/Stretching Workout: (10-15min):

Here we stretch & flex our body to stay/be flexible

So thats all, feel free to ask me any questions :)
Thanks in advance for your help & answers!
  • Shitload of volume (way too high)
  • Planche/FL/BL as "skill work"
  • Too high reps on the leg work
Overall it's a lot better than most of the stuff out there, but you have planche, front lever, back lever, chinups, dips, pullups, HSPU and rows as strength work. That's an absolute assload of volume, and it's just asking for overuse injuries.

I'm never a fan of "ab workouts". You get a lot of core training with the bodyweight moves themselves, and abs are muscles like all others.
@aywo So you would say, for "Skill-Work" take 1 or 2 skills? for example we focus on handstand and L-Sit and should leave front/back lever and planche by side?

I want to keep the "Power-Workout". The reason is, we have here all 180° of shoulder angle in it. We have Pullups/Chinups for 0°, Handstand Pushups for 90°, Pushups for 45°, Dips for 135° and Rows to strengthen the upper back (best exercise for it in my opinion)

Regarding the leg work - switch reps back to 10-15? We don't have dumbells yet, so we only have 10 kgs in a backpack - thats our total weight, thats the reason for high reps.
@natalijaasbj Well for skill work you want it to be non-fatiguing. For most beginners that's just going to be handstand and maybe some type of elbow lever.

As far as the power workout goes, your reasoning makes little sense to me. How did you get the idea of those degrees? It's much more useful to classify exercises as push/pull in extension/flexion.
@aywo Well, I used the degrees to just explain, why I choosed this exercises. The reason is, to train my shoulders in all positions, since the shoulders are the main-joints for upper body.

I also discussed this yesterday with our workout-team and we came to the conclusion, that we want a higher volume on power-workout and reduce the others.

I would adjust the workout to following:

Skill-Workout: 2 Sets each
* Handstands
* L-Sit progression

Power Wokrout: 4-5 Sets / 8 Reps each
* Wide Pull Ups
* Chin Ups
* Handstand Push Ups
* Dips
* Rows
* Push Ups

Ab-Workout: remove
@natalijaasbj That's better, but still very high volume since you have 3 pushes and 3 pulls, for 4-5 sets each.

Getting stronger is not about doing as much as possible. It's about applying a stimulus and allowing the body to recover. This is why the beginner routine uses 3 sets of 5-8 reps on 4 exercises for upper body; it's enough to stimulate the body to get stronger, but it won't be too much.

You're better off with 2-3 sets each, I think.