Basic GS Training Template


New member
So, GS is obviously a pretty niche thing, and very little exists online for beginners on how to structure workouts and training cycles.

There are many, many training and periodization philosophies out there, but if you're interested in getting started with kettlebell sport, don't have access to a coach, and have absolutely no idea where to start or how to plan volume, this template might be a good place to get your feet wet.

I am very much a beginner in GS specifically, although I've been using kettlebells as my primary strength training for nearly a decade, and although I prefer to do my own programming, I'm actually using this right now, and it's legit af.

Check it out

I'm really digging the amount of sport content in here lately, and although it's often misunderstood or shrugged off, it seems people are more and more open and interested.

Hope this helps someone!

(It is not my content. All credit to Thierry Sanchez)
@martincy Thierry Sanchez also has a 61 page Kettlebell Sport and Athletic Preparation PDF. I don’t have the link, but it one of the best instructions Iv ever seen for any sport. It’s the definitive GS manual.
@newb787 100% man. I have it as well.

Thierry was putting out some fucking dynamite content a while back.

He has a long cycle specific program as well called Bogatyr Rising that may still be available for purchase online.

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