Basic stretching and strength exercise for bad back, posture, stiff shoulders, stiff legs


New member
Hi guys, due to me being totally inactive and not going gym much and not enough exercise, I started noticing stiffness in my body, I do have a problematic shoulder and lower back from years of weight lifting. I used to be a hardcore weight lifter. I sort of stopped cause I kinda lost interest and Calisthenics and bodyweight stuff is great, keeps you fit and low weight, slim body, less stiffness/ strain and is a mixture of both aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Weight lifting mixed with stretching is also great but I cant be bothered at the moment.

Anyways this workout is more geared towards stretching the legs, the spine, the diaphragm, the chest cavity for a better posture. Each exercise has its benefits, squats and leg stretching good for stiff legs and even sciatica problems, hanging for bad back, shoulders. Pullovers for diaphragm, upper body, spine stretching, general posture, lung function (more oxygen intake, also good for asthmatics and other respiratory diseases). Hanging leg raises for stronger abs and core and also stretches the tendons and ligaments in the groin area (good for sciatica and other related problems).

You can add some more exercises or take away some. I have not included any ''push'' workout for the upper body (as Im not concerned about that as of yet), but you can add bench press or push ups if you will. Any suggestions for improvements or better techniques are welcomed. Kind Regards and may you all be blessed with good health :)))))


-3 to 5 times a week.


-Pullup bar or anything stable for pull ups and hanging, legs dont need to be straightened out when hanging (better if it is though for a full stretch, but it doesnt make too much difference).

-Barbell and some weights (for light/moderate resistance squats) could use a log or a pole or something similar.

-Dumbell for pullovers and a bench (light/moderate resistance) could use a homemade weight with a decent bench alternative.


-Leg stretching and bar hanging superset (do a set of toe touching then quad stretches then inner thigh stretches SUPERSET with hanging from a bar - REPEAT this process for another 3 sets to give a total of 4 sets - change position of hands on each set on the bar).

Toe touching:

EDIT: People who find the ''toe touching'' exercise uncomfortable or want an alternative than there are two I found that can be done standing up, there might be more out there and these two might be better for your back than toe touching...

.... done with straight back...

Quad stretches:

Inner thigh stretches:

Hanging pullup bar stretches:

(with hanging you can add weight if its too easy and also move forward and backwards gently for a fuller stretch. I wont recommend sideways movement as that can effect lower spine and tangle nerves up)


-4 sets of light/moderate squats superset with pull ups (different hand positions for each pull up set), hang for abit after each set.


Pull ups:

-4 sets of pullovers (light/moderate) superset with hanging leg raises (hang for abit after each hanging leg raise set)


Hanging leg raises:


-4 sets of leg stretching exercises (like the warmup) superset with hanging bar stretches (change hand position each set).
@robertagrimal This feels like a sign.. I am 26 and have thrown out my back 3 times in the last 6 months. It has been so bad that I literally cant walk or get up off the floor.. Im relatively healthy, eat good, do yoga, dont smoke, and I have the back of a 80 year old woman. I am starting back exercises asap
@ducmessi3792 Have you lifted or done much strength training?

If not I can attest to the fact that strengthening the areas that compensate for your issues helps a ton and has relieved a lot of back pain for me.
@ducmessi3792 I wouldn't make the assumption that since you have thrown your back out it means that your back is weak. I have been able to fix my aching lower back by doing a lot of core, specifically ab rollers. I have strong back muscles, which were taking on the burden that my core was meant to carry.
@peacelovefaith Definitely agree. I've had sciatic issues due to a bulging disc in my lower back. For me a weak back was not the cause but rather it was due to imbalances and problematic movement patterns.

Back pain is nothing to fuck with, go see a physio and get properly assessed.
@dawn16 I've been told by a yoga instructor that the cobra pose is dangerous unless done properly. Just a warning for those who would want to jump into doing this. There are tips, progressions. Just read about it a bit more than watching a 30s video.
@elle1975 Absolutely! The full expression of cobra pose is difficult and dangerous if not performed correctly. Typically people dump into the lower back putting too much compression and causing pain. Baby cobra is more accessible option as you start to learn to engage through the core and tops of the feet more. Great tip from above poster going for progressions. Too many preventable aches, pains and injuries from jumping in too deep, too soon (maybe ever!) not everyone needs the full expression of every pose.
@elle1975 Cobra can be quite bad for the back of done improperly! My teacher does a much less intense variant of it where you are just arching the top of the back about 6-8 inch's off the floor with your hands supporting the body at push up position.
@robertagrimal I’m going to have to stop you from the very first stretch. Touching your toes is bad for your low back and posture. There are better ways to stretch your hamstrings if you google it.