Basic stretching and strength exercise for bad back, posture, stiff shoulders, stiff legs

@john146 When most people do toe touches, they arch their lower back a great deal, so called "leading with the head." This can aggravate the sciatic nerve and or put some undue pressure on your discs, ligaments, etc. Keeping a flat back does a better job of protecting the spine and the sciatic nerve. As was said, if you have a decent baseline of health and fitness, toe touches won't do you much harm. In my opinion, it's better for your back to even poorly stretch the hamstrings than not to stretch them at all.
@dawn16 Yes, that did concern my mind too, when I wrote that, but to be honest if your a moderately healthy individual it wont do much harm, but for people who have some issues with this movement, yes there are plenty of hamstring stretching exercises and many great ones can be found on youtube and other sources.
@godfollowerchristlover Well if u have opened ur eyes abit more and read it fully u wud see i provide alternatives. And longstory short toe touching has benefits as in real life u will have to bend ur spine aswell ( when u drop ur mobile on the ground, u gonna bend to pick it up right ?). Maybe u should post a long write on the above subject so we can crash in on how contradictory u are. Fool.
@dawn16 What about stuff like jefferson curls? They're pretty much the same concept except with weight. I've heard some reputable (in my opinion) youtubers reccomend it to help with pike compressions.
@robertagrimal Where's the hip flexor stretch? most back and nerve entrapments of the leg involve hip flexors

Where is the pec stretch? A lot of shoulder tightness and poor shoulder posture can come from pecs and subscap.
@dawn16 The hanging leg raises do stretch the hip flexors, but a better version would be lying down cross bench and doing leg raises while allowing the legs to go slightly lower than usual. But I choose the hanging leg raises as it stretches vertically while effecting the hip flexors positively and it is safer. For pec stretch any hanging movement from a bar with middle to wide grip will stretch the pecs aswell. And this workout has alot of hanging, which is important for a whole upperbody stretch.

Also the pullovers do also stretch the abdomen and a little of hip flexors especially the cross bench version.