Best amount to run for speed but doesn’t interfere with size and strength gains?


New member
Hey y’all I’m (26F) wanting to continue to build size and strength through weight training but I’m wanting to work on my cardio. I’ve really neglected it and I just started running 2-3 miles on days between lifting weights. What is a good amount of mileage to aim for, weekly, that won’t take away from the hypertrophy and strength gains in making? Also should I stick to sprints and shorter distance or are 5k runs okay as well? I want to be a good balance of strong, fast, and have endurance. Thanks y’all!
@paradox101 if you’re looking to build your aerobic engine, slow and steady wins the race. i’m assuming you’re fit so a 10:00 min pace / mile is a good slow easy pace. if you feel like mixing in some speed work just for fun go for it. you’re absolutely not going to “hurt” your strength training by doing cardio. i’m an age group triathlete and you know what the best thing we can do to get faster? mix in strength training with out stupid hours of endurance training.
@paradox101 I try to train cardio once a week between strength training. Row machine is my go to. Great low impact cardio exercise. If you can jog for 5k, thats awesome, do that. Your heart is a muscle too. The most important one. Stronger heart means more capacity for more reps or heavier weights. So many benefits to training and keeping a healthy heart.
@paradox101 Sprints and interval training are great for when you want to. 5K are amazing for muscular and cardio endurance. ...

Have you ever heard of Fartlek training? Run at a slower pace, one for long distances. Then, add in short sprints every so often. Maybe go 80% for 50 meters. Five minutes later you go 90% for 100 meters..... something along those lines.

Cardio will not necessarily take away from you gains. Just sprinkle in some GOOD (don't just go through the motions. Put forth the freaking effort!) cardio sessions two or three times a week and you are golden

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