I started working out November 2022, consistently 3 times per week, 1 hour each session, routine is the Jason Blaha's Ice Cream Fitness 5x5 workout plan. I am not seeing results or progressing in weights/reps that much anymore for the last several months. I seem to have plateaued. Still somewhat skinny fat. Is there anything else I can do? Advice? Recommendations (Natural)?

Perhaps a better workout plan? Why?

I have been considering switching around and doing 6 reps for 2 sets instead of 5x5, etc. I can still consistently go to the gym 2-3 per week maximum. I also want to avoid squats/deadlifts now due to possible injury and downsides. Any feedback? TY

30s M; Height is ~ 5' 10" (178 cm); Weight is 180 lbs; Eat about ~1,600 calories per day average.

Total testosterone 320 ng/dl; Free Testosterone is at 8.3 pg/mL;

Estradiol is 18 pg/ml. Prolactin is 7 mg/ml; FSH is 2.7 iu/L; LH is 4 iu/L; Sex Hormone Binding Globulin SHBG is 14 nmol/L; Cortisol AM 12.0 ug/dL;A1c is normal; Thyroid TSH and FT4 is normal; Liver is normal; Kidneys are normal; Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 levels are normal; All other tests are Normal;

Abdomen size around belly button is ~41 inches circumference; Waist is about ~39 inches; Hip is about ~36 inches; Thighs about ~21 inches; Biceps flexed is 15 inches; Chest is about ~42 inches.
@sophiewilson0191 So the 2-3 working sets with the rep point of 5-8 takes a couple sessions to get it dialed in for a proper starting point.

Ex: I may “think” I can get 130 for 5, but maybe I can only do it for 3, so I decrease to 120 and get it for 6. The next set I get 5.. so I know for next week to work at 120, if I get my target sets of 2-3 for 8 reps, the next week I increase the weight incrementally, depending on how strong I felt. Which is why I always track my RIR. I wish you could photo reply to posts cause I do this religiously lol.
@sophiewilson0191 It’s not surprising you’re not gaining muscle: you’re cutting and you are no longer a beginner, so this is completely normal. Ice Cream Fitness 5x5 is a programme meant for beginners.
Would be better to do an upper lower split, and the goal should be to preserve existing muscle and strength so long as you are cutting
@sophiewilson0191 First of all, how much is your squat, bench press and deadlift?

What I’m saying is that the laws around gaining muscle and loosing fat are different depending on your experience level and how fat you are. If you are a fat beginner you can lose weight and gain muscle at the same time. However, if you are intermediate this is not possible unless you are obese. Therefore if you want to gain muscle you need to go on a calorie surplus, if you want to lose weight the goal should be to preserve muscle, i.e. prevent muscle loss: that means your lifts in the gym stay the same, even then they might still go down a little bit. Your progession is how much fat you lose. So I’m saying you need to lower your expectations. You can help achieve this by going on a high protein diet.
As for routine, your base should be an upper lower split with 3 sets per muscle group and around 10 reps per set (except for stuff like abs and facepulls you can do more like 20 reps). The exercises can be whatever you want, but best that most of your exercises are big compound movements, with some isolation for arms, abs, etc. at the end just like the Ice Cream Fitness 5x5. If you want to take things further you can do conjugate, which Jason Blaha explains on his YouTube channel.
@bobwlpc I can squat 180lbs for about 5 reps until failure; bench press 180lbs for about 5 reps; and deadlift about 200lbs for about 5 reps;

I am trying to lose weight and become "healthier" because my cholesterol/lipids/LDLs/triglycerides are high now and my doctor is considering statins.

I was weighing 180lbs about two months ago, now I am 175lbs.
