Big guy wanting to get less big

@scoey72 What's funny is that up until a few weeks ago I was all about the stoic philosophy.

Then I read a book about neurophysiology by Sapolsky and he laid it all out that we really don't make as many choices as we think.

I'm still struggling to accept the reality of it or maybe I'm... not? since apparently we don't really make choices we just think we do?
@brian7377 Super weird but for me personally, fasting really helps me keep motivated.

More conventionally, long term Metah analysis shows that people were significantly more likely to lose and keep off weight if they did two things consistently,

Tracked / measured their food intake - kind of obvious and lots of apps available. Highly recommend a food scale, you may be amazed how much or little a serving size is of most items.

Measured themselves - most people weighed themselves, some taped themselves, some did full assessments, some did daily and some did weekly, but they point is they consistently measured themselves and were accountable for it. I personally weigh myself every morning and my scale connects to an app via Bluetooth and tracks it all for me. The last week of Christmas vacation put me up 5lbs so now I’m course correcting. It’s an accountability item.
@brian7377 Nutrition. Strict diet. Howveer in crossifit its different . You will require more carbs even if u r trying to lose weight. Vigorous cardio and strength workout. But you will shred fat if you are consistent with it
@brian7377 Dude it all starts and ends with your diet. Buy a kitchen scale, log all your food, get your energy needs and your macros right, and everything else will fall into place. For me, the greatest motivation comes from seeing results… watching the numbers tick in the right direction (whatever your goals are) and seeing the clothes fit better… and to that end, dialing in your nutrition is the quickest way to see said results. In other words, for me, getting my diet right helped me go to the gym more… not the other way around.
@brian7377 I have always found motivation in results. For me, I will take progress pics and when I can see the “work” is producing results it always keeps me engaged.

I would also suggest hiring a nutritionist for 1-3 months to help you get back on track and hold you accountable.

If that’s not in the cards the answer is simple…

Check out Dr. Shawn Baker and dive into the carnivore diet. I was very fit before I started

36 year old Male
5’10 - 185lb — 3 weeks into it I’m @ 176

I played sports all my life through college and have always had achy knees/back etc for the last 10 year..
  • Inflammation- GONE
  • Achy knees/back - GONE
  • consistent energy all day long - no crashs
  • Body and Mind have never felt better!!
It sounds so crazy until you do some research and realize how much it can really help you!

Best of luck to you! Cheers!
@cavediver29 I’ve heard a few people talk about the carnivore diet (besides the head poster boy, Joe Rogan…). I haven’t looked into it too much so will check it out as with the wedding, I wouldn’t have cash going spare for a nutritionist right now! Thanks!
@brian7377 You got this my friend. If you can, I’d recommend working with a nutritionist also. The macros being dialed will help a lot, and you’ll also have accountability to someone else (beyond yourself and your cf coaches).

Within the gym, see if you can find an anchor of accountability as well - a gym buddy(ies), coach(es) or whoever else will expect you to show up 3,4,5, however many times a week you’re looking to go.

We all ebb and flow with it, but if you can keep accountable (above) and also find purpose with going (your health, which also matters for your finance, potential future kids if that’s on the table, and most importantly to you), you’ll be on autopilot soon enough

You have to count your calories and be strict about it!!!

Genuinely the most obvious way.. given how drastic you want to cut, get down to 1800 calories a day and work down to 1500 calories. As a bare minimum hit 10,000 steps and get to your WODs!
@brian7377 I did CrossFit consistently for 3 years with a crappy diet and gained weight (mostly muscle I would think) and built an okay engine for a big dude. I used MacroFactor to strictly monitor calories and protein for 6 months and have lost almost 40 lbs with no changes to activity.
@afirstbornson If I get enough people to participate in this ‘workout plan’ I can start rewarding workouts over 10. $100/workout for the first 10 and $20/workout after in additional rewards. So there is an incentive to do more than 10.