Big guy wanting to get less big

@brian7377 Started at 340, down to 175 for the past 4 years. Consistency is king.

Also one thing that helped a lot is picking one diet change at a time. For me it started with just trimming down portion sizes by like 20%. Everything else was and still is a work in progress.

Keep at it, just this post alone is awesome.
@tsedy Amazing effort! Well done!

So when I do get in the right mindset I’m meticulous with my measuring etc. I just find I drop in and out of that mindset and that’s where the issue lies. Portion sizes have never been a problem as I tend to bulk out meals big time with vegetables.

As we speak, I’m currently food prepping so it’s a step in the right direction!
@brian7377 First of all be kind to yourself understand what has passed is not going to define your future.

Set some reasonable mini goals, that build each week to get you to where you want to be and to be honest your wedding while important is not the end goal, but just an amazing day for you and your soon to be wife, look ahead 10-50 years and beyond.

Also don’t down play your mental health, often the hardest thing to do is get that 6” between your ears in good shape. It’s amazing how many people once they get to a “good” head space everything else just falls in to place.

Good luck mate
@brian7377 Just show up. I'm a bigger guy too. About your current size. Been going for over 2 years. The biggest battle is just showing up. Scale what you need to scale. Just keep trying to move. It's better than doing nothing. It took you time to gain weight. It's going to take time to lose it. Don't get discouraged because this is not a race. It's a marathon. You got this.
@brian7377 I think it's important to view this as a whole health thing that CrossFit or exercise is only a component of.

I find it easy to stay on my healthier food, drink enough water, avoid alcohol, sleep better because I know when I don't do those things I feel so much worse. When you have all of those things in place you start to want to push your body more because it starts to feel a lot better.

Try to avoid guilt, taking care of yourself is a continuous gift that you give yourself. Bonus is I've found it all gets easier over time, focus on one habit like maybe cutting out soda or whatever until it becomes automatic then add in another habit.

Please don't try to crash diet for the wedding building the habits over time and finding ways to make fitness more enjoyable for yourself is the key.

All the best!!
@brian7377 Going from 3 days a week to 5 really changed things for me, it took all the thought out of it and made it a habit, to the point where I’d be half way to the gym before I realized what I was doing. Three days a week I could do the whole “I’ll go tomorrow” thing.
@brian7377 -Developing a routine and discipline carried me further than motivation. For example, there are some mornings when “I don’t feel like it”but I know it has to get done and I am scheduled to do it. I think of it as an investment plan, everyday I show up, I get closer to my goal and beyond.

-Sleep is so underrated. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule change how I performed both inside and outside of fitness.

-Preparation overall: meal prep or cooking in batches keeps me on track. Make sure my gym bag is prepped and ready to go the night before.

Not a guy but I hope this is helpful.
@brian7377 A fellow big guy here (122kg) - I pick what I enjoy and try to improve those. It keeps goals attainable, and is pretty motivating. I haven't gotten any smaller, but have moved a bit of the mass around.

Motivation wise, I have some gym friends to keep me coming back - it's a social bump for my relatively solitary life. The gym alone hasn't helped me get shaker smaller - I've only been able to find success in that realm by changing my eating habits.

Best of luck big guy. And congrats on getting engaged and the upcoming wedding.
@brian7377 I think this is an amazing you tube little video series about healthy eating

You don’t have to kill yourself in the gym just to lose weight… but adding some fort of resistance training to a healthy diet is the most efficient.

If time is an issue just get to doing air squats sit ups and push ups a few days a week in your living room.

Would be ideal to get to a gym once a weak maybe for some kind of upper back work… or to round out only doing air squats and push-ups. But something is better then nothing and you don’t want to get burned out.
@brian7377 Sometimes I don't feel like going, but do it so I don't catch hell from people for not making it someday. That and I like to see some of them and lift with them
@afirstbornson Read the book when I was already in a shitty place in my life.

Was resonated with me the most is the idea that the power to achieve what you want is in your hands. That through hard work, discipline and holding yourself accountable can truly achieve extraordinary things. Unlike most self help bullsh!t, It isn’t just telling u what you want to hear.

He straight up says, it’s going to suck, you will suffer, you will feel emotional and physical pain but that is a requirement to find the good in life.

I could go on a lot more but im at work, so that is the key takeaway I got.