Bikini competition update

@heyimeugene When I looked at myself in the mirror, I thought I looked terrifying with the dramatic tan and makeup. However, under all the harsh lighting on the stage, it does end up looking like a nice tan, and really brings out the definition!
@heyimeugene Everything I see bikini competitors white as a ghost with very dark tan I can’t help but find it awful. However, tanning does improve the definition, at least to the eye :)
@chaorabite I think you prep for toning and leanness. That envolves dropping a lot of body fat while still growing (but not too much) your muscles. it’s a aesthetic kind of competition, it seems. You have to look lean, muscular, feminine, proportional, symmetrical , etc. which i do think OP got it for a novice category :) as you move on the categories, it gets more demanding on each category.
@annyfins Exactly this. Bikini is a part of the bodybuilding sport, which is all about aesthetics. The bikini division in particular is about creating a feminine look that is lean, defined, and symmetrical. Other women's divisions look different. For example, women's Figure is more muscular and defined.
@ilovegod888 This is really interesting, thanks for sharing! I think it’s important to see the work that goes into prepping for a competition like this and that it’s not a sustainable “forever” diet.

That aside, you look amazing. I’m super impressed with your progress.
@ilovegod888 Congrats!

Small tip for anyone considering a prep and worried about the food issue: I found planning my days in advance and meal prepping for the week saved me a LOT of headaches trying to fit in my macros. I used to obsess when I was following IIFYM and trying to fit things in every day.
@ilovegod888 Congratulations! You look fricken amazing :)

Can you tell me what you found so hard about the prep? I'm not even clear on what the prep would consist of.
@acer621 Sure!

I am a person who loves to eat. I never tracked calories/counted macronutrients before this, and I just ate whenever I felt hungry. Being on prep puts you at a caloric deficit below your maintenance weight. For example, let's say you need to eat 1,800 calories to maintain your normal, healthy weight. For bodybuilding prep, you might start at a deficit of 1,600 calories, and then over weeks' time, drop down to 1,300 calories per day (basically what I did - I added nutrition info to my post). I was hungry A LOT. I had to complete pretty intense workouts when I didn't feel full & strong like I normally would from a larger meal. I also tend to get HANGRY, which wasn't always great for the people around me. Eating less food and dropping to a lower body fat also affected my sleep - there were many nights where I just didn't sleep well or couldn't fall asleep at all!

This is just my experience. I have a friend who competed with me, and she seemed to have a much easier time with prep. She didn't experience any of the crazy mood swings that I did.
@acer621 I haven’t done one myself, but I have a friend who does bikini competitions. Prep consists of pretty low caloric intake (for level of energy expended), usually increased cardio, and maintaining weight lifting workouts in an effort to cut body fat to the right level while maintaining your muscle. Depending on the coach they may have you do a IIFYM approach, or in my friend’s case, her coach gives her a meal plan that is very repetitive.

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