Blessed to be alive and strong

/EDIT/ The support from you all has just floored me.....I wasn't expecting such encouraging responses from so many beautiful people. Thank you from the core of my heart.

Thankful to be alive, and feeling more like a warrior woman every day. Immeasurable thanks to those who lifted me up when I thought I couldn't sink any lower.

The message that has stuck with the most is this:

You are all strong, beautiful, unstoppable, and loved, no matter your PRs or the number on the scale. Keep kicking ass. I'm rooting for you!

P.S. If you are struggling with an eating disorder of any kind, please reach out to me if you need help in any fashion. I would be so thankful to lend any words of advice or comfort..

I can run a 6:32 mile, squat my weight, climb ropes, clean, jerk, pull-up, box jump, press and kettle bell swing the day away. Looking at doing my first Spartan Race this September.....just so happy to be alive and kicking.
@blizzardlover428 I wasn't going to say anything but after reading some of your replies I want to say PLEASE keep being you. You're amazingly positive, encouraging, and your responses are heart warming. We're lucky to have someone like you around.
@chelleaiken81 Oh my goodness.....thank you for saying that. The support I've received from a community of strangers is so encouraging...spreading joy and brightness is what feels good in redemption. Altruism is always the best way to go. Lots of love

[sup]^[/sup] This x 1,000. Everything just clicked, I enjoyed going to the gym and eating well once I made performance goals for the first time in my life, instead of my usual "* shrug * I just want to stay thin."

also: that second picture of you warms my heart. Happiness totally radiates from it!