Bob's Basic BWF (B)Hypertrophy (B)Routine

@pencin Do I get better results in terms of gaining muscle mass with this routine compared to the RR?

My goal is to look less scrawny, and the RR doesn't seem to work for me.
@lions215 I'd recommend sticking with the RR, at maximum 6 months, once you can do everything with good form and hit these numbers then you'll see better results. Keep in mind, it'll be most optimal by adding weight instead of choosing harder progressions for the main stuff
@pencin Hi, cool program. I've few questions about it:
  1. How can I scale pike pushups to be difficult enough to do 3x8? In this kind of movement I can do Wall HeSPUs for 3-4 reps. Maybe I can do HeSPUs negatives to get to 3x8?
  2. What's active hang's purpose in a hypertrophy program? Also, it should be 4x15", so I guess weight or one-arm version will be used, right?
  3. Never heard of Palof Press, what did make you choose it for this program?
  4. Starting a new cycle, how can I scale it to be more difficult?
Considering the use of weights: how much should I increase?

Considering bodyweight progressions: should I do the next progression? What if next progression is too difficult and I can't do the required volume?

Thanks, I'm quite curious about it.
  1. Yes
  2. Forearms, and yes
  3. Anti-rotation
  4. With more weight, 5-10lbs, depending however much it takes to get back to that base volume. BWF progression will take more thinking, you can do the same "level" with a slower tempo instead of the next "level" if it's too diffficult or you could try mixing full movement of the next level with negatives but it won't be as effective
@pencin I'm on day 2 of the first week and I'm sore as fawk! Lol. I'm not using any added weight right now.

Question, I think I already know the answer...Is the schedule per week supposed to be like this...
then start the next weeks cycle.

Which would make a 7 day week and start the next weeks cycle same day as previous?