Body exercises for the obese?

@helencostello91 my main problem with counting calories is that I usually make massive batches of stuff like chili or Tikka masala with a huge amount of chicken and a handful of different veggies and stuff in there and I'm never sure how to count that despite being able to weigh it.

i guess I need to add the entire recipe and then just count weighed portions of it? I've seen that option on one of the calorie counting apps but I can't remember which...
@genkinz Yup - just take the combined calories of everything you add, and then weigh the whole thing when you're done cooking it. So if you make 4 L of chili, just weigh it and then you know the calories per unit mass.

Just pulling numbers out of my ass, but if you made 2000g of chili with 4000 calories total, then each 200g portion is 400 calories.

Don't weigh your food before cooking, you'll gain/lose a lot of weight from water depending on the recipe

edit: MyFitnessPal supports this feature as well
If you have a untreated condition like low thyroid levels you might require only 2000 calories a day rather than 2500 calories a day, and that can obviously impact your weight. However as long as you eat less than 2000 calories a day - which then is your calorie need - you will lose weight.

The problem is that there's no way to calculate that new BMR. I have hypothyroidism but it's borderline abnormal that my doctors don't want treat yet and they couldn't really give me any concrete info on how to address it.
@phytoscience1 That's a real poor excuse. It's not easy for anyone to calculate, - you do it by trial. If you calculate how many calories you consume a day for 2 weeks, and find out it's 3000 kcal a day, and you do not lose weight, - then eat 2500 a day for the next 2 weeks. You will lose weight, if you don't you did the math wrong or you didnt follow the diet. Cut it to 2000 kcal a day etc.
@helencostello91 lol I would gain weight so fucking fast on 2000. These disorders predominantly impact women, so it's typically like cutting from 1300 or 1400 to 1000. The margins are razor thin and you don't have much room for error and can't risk a nutritional deficiency on top of your other medical problems. It's incredibly difficult.
@helencostello91 Well, that's not remotely true. Talk to anyone who's suffering with hypothyroidism and tell them they're cheating or it's just in their head. My own husband goes on calorie deficit + exercise binges and won't take off more than 20 lbs after months of effort, when he really needs to lose 60 or so. If I did what he did I'd look like an anorexic but his body just doesn't work correctly. Please stop being dismissive.
@bobawp If you're eating less calories than you burn you will lose weight. It's not even a matter of nutrition it's literally the first law of thermodynamics, you cant just conjure up energy to live and move without either taking that energy in as calories or using energy you already have in the forms of carbohydrate and fat stores.
@saved2010 And while it is true that your body may (emphasis on *may*, there seems to be a lot of conflicting information) moderately adjust resting metabolic rate to burn less calories, it doesn't just go to 0. No, you aren't going into "Starvation Mode".

As long as you're in a caloric deficit, as long as you are very good about logging food (cooking for yourself helps, you can account for every ingredient), and avoiding grazing or ignoring calories in drinks, you will lose weight.

And your hunger pangs will also adjust for the smaller or less frequent meals.
@nickale Sorry, I don't want to be rude, but if your weight stays the same, you are, by definition, not eating at a caloric deficit. Unless your body found a way to pull energy out of thin air, that is ofc.

Other than that there is no reason why you could not do the same exerises as everyone else, just resort to the easiest progressions. A pull up is now just a dead hang for you, maybe even an assisted dead hang. A push up is now just a wall push up, and so on.

The aerobic exercises @utopiaticdill postet are also a nice way to increase your overall activity, with a different focus than this sub is mostly about though.
@nickale What diets have you tried?

I've noticed that certain people react differently to different types of diet. Personally, I did keto for 2-3 months to lean out and then moved over to more like South Beach style. My body reacts poorly to a variety carbs, but a protein and fiber heavy diet that limits carbs to stuff like brown rice and sweet potatoes has worked well.
@nickale How do hormones maintain mass when there's a calorie deficit? I guess I always imagined a weight problem related to hormones made being on a calorie deficit very difficult because it resulted in more discomfort, less available will power than someone without a hormone problem.
@stars28 The problem with hormonal disorders is that you can't rely on standard TDEE calculators. You literally burn fewer calories at rest than the average person, but you don't know by how much.
@helencostello91 I just want to add, that BMI is obsolete and shouldn't be the only form of way to measure your figure.

For me it's overweight/obese most of the time, but i am in a decent shape and can withstand a marathon....

Just my 5c

Edit: Downvoted because you don't like to hear the truth? That's sick guys....just keep looking at your BMI and masturbating LOL