Brain dead workout routine for busy schedule.


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I’m hoping to pick y’all’s brains. I work 75-80 hrs a week, 6a-5p including commute, mon-sun. I like physical hobbies like surfing, hiking, and Muay Thai but I have never gotten myself to enjoy or feel accomplishment from strength training. Currently I make about 3-4 1hr Muay Thai classes but other than that I’m on my ass all day.

I’m M27 6’1” 205ish lbs. long limbs with no definition with a round belly and fat hips (lame I know). I’ve been living alone for years and never really gave a shit physically. Ive started seeing a girl recently and I really like her a lot and it’s making me think about how I can make myself better, for me and for her. Being healthy, looking good, and having more confidence are among those things.

What is a routine I can get into that is 3-4 days a week and SIMPLE. I’m talking 5-6 exercises total. I was thinking just 2 or 3 compound exercises a workout. This is more about building a habit and changing my brain than being the most efficient or physically effective. If possible I’d like to have as many exercises that i can do at home because my gym closes at 9. I’ve got a pull-up bar, a 35lb and 50lb kettle bell and possibly some combo dumbbells that go up to 35lb. For cardio I already do Muay Thai but I’ll also use the rowing machine or swim if there’s no class that day if I make it to the gym in time.

💪😤💪 time to tighten up
@raihan → find a bodybuilding program, lift 3x at the gym full body, finish the curls and lateral raises when you get home if you don't have the time, do a couple pullups for fun when you take a piss, hit some kettlebell swings on off days for hiit-ish cardio for the cardiovascular benefits. likely up the protein to 140+g through whatever means necessary but any improvement even below this threshold is good. you will probably lean out and gain muscle at maintenance without even thinking of intentionally dieting or bulking up for quite a while.
@mommajulesberry Does eating that much protein help with getting leaner? I usually get my two meals a day from work (lunch and dinner) which is cafeteria food so I can’t really count or control my calories. I just use the smaller plate and try to keep it to meat and vegetables only. I could do a protein shake after work but the food at work is so filling I rarely feel the need to cook a meal and eat at night. If I’m cooking it’s to make a salad with salmon, chicken, or steak to eat for lunch because the work food is usually fried or simmered in gravy.
@raihan in an ideal world providing a better muscle growth stimulus will lead to more fat loss and body composition benefits. where more lean meats will generally help you get towards that goal. perhaps eyeballing portions to guesstimate and make small adjustments could work
@anonymous18 I’m one of those people lol. Of the guys I work with that are fit, they’re either the gym as a religion type or the naturally fit athlete that hasn’t worked out since college type