Brooke Wells to HWPO

@jayh87 I heard there was a huge falling out between her and Tia just before the games. That’s why she hasn’t been posting at CF east nashville and only at Crossfit Trivium. Just going off by what I heard talks of at CFGs. Rumors but seems likely now. Hopefully doesn’t affect Syd at PRVN. personally think she has been doing well there
@jayh87 Very curious about this as well. Even though Tia is a great friend of hers and would likely support her decisions, it would be hard not to take it personally.
@1chantu Not only that but the start of her post is a quote essentially saying “I’d like to apologize to no one.”

Obviously she should do what’s best for her and I hope it works out and she has the 2024 season she’s hoping for. But it does make me wonder about those convos.
@elle1994 She’s super close with Amanda Barnhart from their Comptrain Days as well. Curious to see if she’ll be in-person or train remotely with their coaches.

Also, rumor has it that Shane & Tia are eyeing a return to Australia at some point so it may be that PRVN could just be disbanding their in-person training camp at CFEN.
@jobob_0 It's completely understandable for athletes to change coaches if they feel there are better places for them at a point in time. I applaud her courage to do so as no doubt she is close with Tia/ PRVN.

However, I never understand when this is done without at least some token (i.e. public) appreciation or recognition of the outgoing one. Athlete or worker, its always recommended to leave with good grace. When Mal left for HWPO, it was also very sharply done and became controversial. For a training camp that is all about projecting this happy family image, they have some strange behaviours

Also that is a lot of top 10 contending women in one training programme...that wouldn't be my preference as a professional athlete
@dannyabc I know. She left her coach James Townsend who got her to the games and a 5th place finish. Her agent then threatened legal action against a podcast where he said he was disappointed in how it all went down (he got ghosted before she made the hop). I'm sure there is more to the story but it's fairly unprofessional behavior to say the least
@enochswalk The James Townsend who took Mal away from EZ Mohammad? EZ has been diplomatic about Mal going,but he is no longer on good terms with James Townsend. Interesting eh? I certainly won't say who has been unprofessional in this whole affair unless we know more, but Townsend also lost Tudor Magda after a public row. If a number of people have problems with him, the problem is more likely to lie with him.

BTW, Mal was 7th in 2021.
@giftsigns Stand corrected on placing! Genuinely couldn't be bothered to look it up 🤣

TM bombed in the crossfit games and left and didn't qualify the following year. Maybe he was got upset he didn't perform to his personal expectation and blamed JT?! Has he stated otherwise?

I have no knowledge of what happened with EM and JT with MoB but my point still stands which is about HWPO athletes and how it all got handled when switching to HWPO. That's on HWPO too - I think they present a weird fake nice image. Their videos are nauseating 😅
@enochswalk The Mal affair has got nothing to do with HWPO. That was the issue between her, her agent and Townsend. If you don't know what happened (and I don't know what happened either), then it's wrong to blame anyone.

I listened to James Townsend on a podcast some time ago, frankly he didn't give out a good vibe, something is just off when he talked about Mal. It is probably a good thing that Mal is no longer with him.
That's on HWPO too - I think they present a weird fake nice image. Their videos are nauseating 😅

I agree. I really liked the early stuff when they first started the channel, but it's so self-aggrandizing now that it's really irritating. I do like that they seem to do things thoughtfully, but the style of the videos now is just unwatchable