Brooke Wells to HWPO

@jobob_0 Unfortunately, her worst performance of not qualifying (hopefully only due to injury) may not be corrected by a different training camp.

It is worth noting that Kat, Amanda and now Brooke were all CompTrain, with Brooke taking a layover at PRVN.

I hope the best for her, but I don’t know if a new coach is going to move the needle.
@jobob_0 The idea of training camps being a permanent/long-term residence for athletes is the issue. Nobody realistically thinks that any camp is going to make or break an athlete, (except maybe a camp with just horrifically bad coaches), but we still act like someone changing camps is this massive upheaval and emotional choice. I've always thought they should just be another tool in the tool bag that you utilize as needed, and then move on to the next when you see an opportunity for more growth. Especially if camps aren't paying athletes (which it sounds like they aren't) there's no reason for them not to rotate though a few of the big-name houses every year or two and pick up what they can, so long as their foundational training is steady.