@flowful Been doing CrossFit since 2008. Had two babies, both c section - one emergency, one planned.
I took the full 6 weeks of recovery off from CrossFit, but walked lots and did basic movements in my pajamas like glute bridges and light seated dumbbell presses. My rule was if it required me changing out of my PJs and flip flops, it was too intense.
Coming back, I avoided anything with forward/downward pressure on my abdomen... So no pushups, planks, deadlifts, even squats. I also did not like the feeling of hanging from a bar. But I did lots of Bulgarian split squats, lunges, yoke walks, farmer carry, sled drags, presses, ring rows, and side planks. Eventually made my way back to back squats, strict pull-ups, ring muscle ups, rowing and biking. Dynamic and high impact movements like kipping, oly lifting, skipping, box jumps, and running were last. I sucked at toes to bar and l-sits for a really long time.
But everything is A-OK now! I feel as strong as ever (the youngest is 7)